Lawyers With Purpose

The Three Simple Steps to Create Your Profitable Estate Planning Practice

The Three Simple Steps to Create Your Profitable Estate Planning Practice​

Thank You For Registering

Thank you for registering for The Three Simple Steps to Create Your Profitable Estate Planning Practice.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 13th at 12pm EST.

Check your email for instructions on joining the virtual workshop using Zoom.

If you have any questions prior to the workshop, please reach out to Briana Moriarty, Head of Professional Services at or 315-801-5401.

2025: The Blueprint to your best year in Estate Planning yet!

2025: The Blueprint to your best year in Estate Planning yet!

Thank You For Registering

Thank you for registering for 2025: The Blueprint to your best year in Estate Planning yet!

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, December 4th at 12pm EST.

Please use this link to attend:

If you have any questions prior to the workshop, please reach out to Briana Moriarty, Head of Professional Services at or 315-801-5401.

Design Your Profitable Estate Planning Practice:
Even in the Age of Information Overload

Thank you for registering!

Thank you for registering for the Design Your Profitable Estate Planning Practice: Even in the Age of Information Overload webinar! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 1st at 5pm EST. Please use this link to attend:

If you have any questions prior to the workshop, please reach out to Briana Moriarty, Head of Professional Services at or 315-801-5401.

Thank You!

We are ready to help you break through the barrier! One of the Lawyers with Purpose team experts will be in touch with you soon to schedule your meeting. Get ready to scale because we’re going to show you how!

Lawyers With Purpose

877-299-0326 |
555 French Rd., Ste. 201 | New Hartford, NY 13413


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Thank you for requesting Dave Zumpano's seminar materials from Protecting Assets While Qualifying for Government Benefits CLE

We’ll get those materials emailed out to you shortly.

Register Now for Our Upcoming Webinar to Learn How to Get the Practice You've Always Wanted!

for Requesting a Complimentary
Marketing Strategy Session

Lesley Blaine will be in touch soon to schedule your complimentary marketing strategy session. In your strategy session, we’ll review what led you to contact us and answer any questions you may have. We will get a better understanding of your marketing needs and share with you the different options available to support you in reaching your goals. At the end of the session you can determine what’s next for you. You’ll have a few options available including scheduling another call to further understand our services and how they can impact your practice, speaking with other members who benefit from our marketing services, or engaging us to take your practice to the next level. We look forward to speaking with you.

Marketing Consultation
Marketing Consultation
Marketing Consultation

Download Your Free Marketing Checklist

Download our free marketing checklist to discover the tried-and-true marketing methods that estate planning and elder law attorneys are using to get more clients.

LWP Marketing Options

Lawyers With Purpose

877-299-0326 |
555 French Rd., Ste. 202 | New Hartford, NY 13413


Thank You for registering!

Building An


Law Firm

You will receive a confirmation email with more information and a reminder email closer to the event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank You!

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As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, it reminds me of what I was taught as a young child, that November is a month when we reflect upon all of the things we are thankful for, and December begins the period of giving and sharing our time, talent and treasure. As I reflect back over the past year and prepare for this big feast of turkey and lasagna (can’t get away from it), I know that first and foremost I am thankful for God and the blessings he has provided to me. While maybe not politically correct to say so in a blog, I feel compelled to share that it is so nice that, no matter what hits me during the year and no matter who is challenging me, I never feel alone. This is a great time of year for those of you who have a relationship with a higher being to re-establish it, rekindle it and perhaps derive the benefits obtained from it.

The next thing I am most grateful for is my family. Having been married for 23 years to the same beautiful woman and having three children who never cease to amaze me, it is so rewarding to always know that I am loved no matter how bad I’m behaving or how much I may have to work in a particular week. With them and our extended family, there's so much treasure in past history and traditions that we are able to share, and that brings true joy to life.

Perhaps though, it is a triple bonus that I have so much thanks for the people I work with. Having the joy of working with Molly Hall and Victoria Collier as my partners in Lawyers With Purpose has been a blessing rarely achieved. Not only are Molly and Victoria so giving of themselves to me and our great staff, but also to the members we serve. I would not be half the person I am without them constantly reminding me of integrity, kindness and joy.

Continuing, my thanks would be incomplete without including the others I work with. As I was reading the Facebook post of one of our co-workers celebrating how much they enjoy working with us, I felt compelled to reply that the pleasure of working with LWP is a function of the people who are there, including the author of the Facebook comment. What a great joy to work with people you like, admire and respect. We are blessed to have a group of people who are so committed to having an impact on not only the legal community we serve, but also the legal estate planning community overall, not just for the purpose of benefiting themselves, but ultimately for the clients who all of us serve every day.

Finally, but not last and absolutely not least, I am so thankful for our members, who consistently trust us to help them grow their businesses, get balance in their personal lives and continue to strive to create the best strategies for the seniors and families that we serve. It is a little piece of heaven on earth to know that, because of Lawyers With Purpose, seniors who are at a very fragile time in their lives don't have to face it alone and in fear.

So as you go into this Thanksgiving holiday, take the time to thank those who have been important to you over this past year, and consider sharing your gifts and talents to make the lives of others just a wee bit better, if only for the moment of your interaction. And if you believe in God, or something similar, take a moment to reconnect and give thanks for the many blessings you have. Thank you for your patronage and I look forward to having a meaningful impact on the communities we serve, together. Happy Thanksgiving.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder of MPS, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center

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