
You’re Doing It Anyway…

So you've done an estate plan for a client, you've created a will, a healthcare proxy, a power of attorney or even a revocable or irrevocable living trust. And all is well. The client is happy, you've completed your work and you move on to your next client. Inevitably, a month or two down the road you get a call from that happy client with a "quick question." That's where it all starts to go downhill.

The client asks the quick question, which, after you clarify, does not have a simple answer. Usually, your solution sounds something like, "Well, I would have to look to see what your trust says, and you may have to modify it," or, "Well that's simple, all you have to do is ABC, 123." The trick is, do you charge your client for the answer to this "quick question?" Most lawyers don't, and if you do, you might run into a different expectation with your client, who thought it was “included." If you're not careful, it can be a no-win situation.

Bigstock-Writing-Your-To-Do-List-102901823So what do you do? The best solution I have found is to engage my clients in a maintenance program. At Lawyers with Purpose, we have our TLC™ Maintenance and Fee Guarantee Program, which allows clients to pay a small annual fee and have access to us year round for their "quick questions." In fact, we even notify them when there are changes in the law and invite them in no less than once a year in group sessions to discuss the changes and allow them to opt to modify their planning to accommodate the new laws.

Along the way during the year, clients can call with any questions that come up, as can their financial advisors and tax advisors. While many lawyers view this as burdensome and time-consuming, consider the opposite – that it turns your transactional relationship with your clients into meaningful long-term relationships, making it likely that they will refer more clients. In addition, when we are taking calls from clients' financial and tax professionals, it's actually a wonderful marketing opportunity. They come to know of our unique asset protection planning strategies and get comfortable with us. They can see how we work, and that encourages them to work with us.

In the 15 years I have had my maintenance program, I can assure you that it has been a great experience for not only our clients, but for us. We actually have two social gatherings a year – one in the summer and one during the holidays – and they are well-attended. Clients ask if they can bring friends and/or family and encourage them to do planning with us so they can join our maintenance client community. We also have quarterly specialty workshops in which we invite outside experts to talk on topics requested by our clients, and each session is recorded and put on the special maintenance member-only section of our website. Our clients feel special, and our maintenance family has grown to almost six hundred families.

The best part of the maintenance program is that it's actually profitable. We charge $595 per year for this all-access benefit. When you multiply it out by hundreds of families, it's quite profitable, as all of the work is done generally in group sessions. In addition, it keeps you connected with your clients and ensures that their plan actually works because, as their life changes, you are able to modify the plans to accommodate them.

The one area you need to guard against with a maintenance program is overtaxing your staff with maintenance work in any given week. Doing so can really crash your short-term cash flow, but you always have access to the maintenance monies that traditionally come in during January and sit in your bank account as a "savings" to finance any new projects or growth you want during the year, or to subsidize the cost in a month where there is excessive maintenance work needed.

So, you're getting calls from clients anyway, why not do it in an organized fashion and turn it into a relationship-building experience for your clients and their financial and tax professionals. Let Lawyers with Purpose show you how.  Join me on Friday, December 18th at 2 EST for a FREE webinar on "The Most Profitable Planning You'll Ever Find: For Year End & Year Begin" just in time to kick off 2016 with fierce momentum. Click here to register now and kick start 2016. If you're an LWP Member – you've already got access to these tools – just reach out to your implementation coach or members services on where you can find it on the members website.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


What Infrastructure Do You Really Need To Run Your Practice In The Cloud?

Cloud Computing Has Changed The Game 

Every now and then technology forces businesses to change the way they operate. The typewriter led to typing pools and carbon paper before being replaced by word-processors on mainframes and then on personal computers. The fax machine replaced the need for some postal services and is in turn being replaced by email.

Bigstock-Cloud-computing-concept-21983423Similarly, for small to medium sized businesses, cloud computing is replacing the need for in-house networks and servers.

The Advent of the IT Consultant

In the beginning stand-alone PC’s were simple to deal with, however the benefits of linking them together quickly became apparent, and this gave rise to the “local area network” (LAN). Things quickly became complicated and business owners no longer had the skills, or the time, to deal with this. Information Technology (IT) consultants stepped in to fill the void and a new industry sprang up.

Then Things Changed

Cloud computing has arrived, and allows the complexity of networks and shared services to move out of the office and onto the Internet (a.k.a. “the Cloud”).  Business owners no longer have to concern themselves with technology and can focus their full attention on their businesses.

The New Breed of IT Consultant

The smart IT consultants have embraced the change and have found greater opportunities to engage with their clients at the application layer. Rather than crawling around under desks hooking up wires and servers the new breed of IT consultants work with their clients on things such as selecting the best cloud technologies and adapting them to match their client’s business processes. Business owners immediately see the value of this type of engagement because the consultant is talking to them in terms they understand; sales conversion, production workflow, document automation, efficiency, profitability, etc.

The Old School

Unfortunately not all IT consultants have made the transition and many are still encouraging business owners to install complicated and expensive in-house technology over superior and more affordable cloud options.

To register for our Webinar TOMORROW at 4:30 EST to learn more about the LWP/Action Step Cloud Based Workflow System, and get your questions answered register now!

Roslyn Drotar – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose



Equanimity – Lawyers With Purpose

There is a famous quote by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr that says, “God, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.” 

For the past three years in the month of January, I have enrolled in a 40 day challenge through my yoga studio. The premise of the challenge is based on the book “40 Days to a Personal Revolution” by Baron Baptiste. The 40 day program integrates physical, nutritional and mental exercises, all with the goal of leading us to a place of greater clarity and presence. I have yet to complete the 40 day challenge and come out as the same person I was at the beginning.

Bigstock-Take-A-Break-46486348Throughout the program we work with Baptiste's “12 Laws of Transformation.” This week we are working with “Equanimity.


Baptiste explains equanimity as “the art of meeting life as it meets you – calmly, without drama or fuss.” It got me thinking about the day-to-day life of working in a small/non-corporate/family-like office environment. It’s impossibly easy to get reactive when we feel like we aren’t in control. It happens in a million small (and big) ways throughout the day. You overhear the DOFI (LWP terms = "Director of First Impressions") telling the client X, the boss takes his or her lack of X out on the team, our kids act up, we have a slammed day with tons of money appointments on the books when a snowstorm shuts down the town. We react. And it all has a trickle-down effect with an endless cycle of stress, reactivity and blame. But we don’t get out of the cycle by wrestling for control. It’s all in how we handle it.

We think we can change things by taking charge, by “grabbing the bull by the horns.” But, as Baptiste says, “If you think about it, grabbing a bull by the horns would be a crazy thing to do.” We change by finding equanimity and learning to relax right in the middle of conflict-filled moments. And THAT is where those in our lives mirror what they witness. There is a saying you hear endlessly at LWP, “So go the coach, so go the coachee.”

We all known there are innumerable things we cannot change – we all witness that too many times throughout our day. I am learning this week, through working on equanimity, that when I give myself the permission to stop and pause, to be still, I actually do have the ability to accept the things I cannot change. With the team member I have been personally investing my time to “coach” and realizing I want it more than she does,  I am able to instantly and humbly admit that willpower and ego are ultimately ineffective over the reality. And then I let go. And in essence, that is equanimity. It is the way out of frustration and force. I’m learning – IN REAL TIME – this week that resisting and control only lead to more struggle, and I am experiencing how to move through them from a less reactive space. No matter what arises.

 Here’s a question: Can you see yourself as the person on a sinking ship who maintains composure, allowing you to help save the lives of others on board? I invite you to stop and power down for a few minutes and jot down where you may be holding on a bit too tightly for control, which is always harder and much more work. And think about where you can find equanimity. Because the power to do so can summon courage and save lives – yours, your team's, your business's and those of everyone you impact in your community.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.