Many years ago, a system designer worked side-by-side with me for three years to design all of the systems and processes that are now known as the Lawyers with Purpose law practice management system. Interestingly, over the course of those three years, this systems analyst discovered another system, a system of how I operate personally. In fact, he was so befuddled by it, he gave it a name: Power in Partnership™.
As the consultant and I worked together and he picked my brain as to how I know what I do when I do it, he identified all of the standards that make up the systems that operate a solid law practice system for an estate planning attorney. It was interesting, however, one day near the end of our project, when he looked at me in amazement after I had recommended a solution to a problem and said, “You know, you always do this.” To which I responded, what? “Every time a challenge comes up you seek to understand the need, to identify solutions, and then you work with me to solve it.” He continued by saying his experience in working with me for three years was impactful. “It always feels like we're accomplishing something and it always feels like we're both meeting our needs.”
But this isn’t about me, it’s about the standards he identified to be an individual who lives by a “Power in Partnership” mindset. He continued on to say, “You know, we have spent so much time creating the system about how to run an estate planning practice, I think what I've hit on here is a whole way for someone to operate their life. I want to call it Power in Partnership.” I looked at him with intrigue and we began to design our final system – what it means to be a Power-in-Partnership-minded individual.
In its final form, someone is Power in Partnership if you are willing and able to get behind the needs of another person and work wholeheartedly to help that individual achieve their goal, need, or objective. I have found countless people who are generous in helping others, but it was the second part of the definition that distinguished a Power in Partnership mindset.
Let me continue. The second half of the Power in Partnership definition continues with the word “and, you are willing and able to enroll the other person into your need and make sure they are able to help you accomplish your goal, need or objective.” Wow. That's where most people fail. They are so good at helping other people with their needs, but they sell themselves out in the process. They fail to set proper expectations and in the end can often fail in their attempt to be generous because there was no “agreement up front.” This is so counterproductive and disheartening.
The consultant working with me defined it by having an approach to meet others' needs that was always followed up with an approach to get the other to ensure that they work within your standards and guidelines. That way, if either party doesn’t, the other can hold them accountable to the agreement to get the intended result so that it's a win/win and benefits the world. That's Power in Partnership! That is the foundation from which all Lawyers with Purpose operate. We are willing and able to get behind the needs of our clients and help them accomplish their goal, need and objective, and we are willing and able to enroll our clients in our needs to ensure they help or support us to get our goal, need or objective accomplished. The key distinction here is we. That is, we must be responsible to enroll ourselves in their need and we are responsible to enroll them into ours. People are not ordinarily wired this way and do not automatically presume to meet your need, nor do they presume that you will meet theirs. That's why Power in Partnership is such an amazing model that leads to great contributions and solutions not otherwise attained.
Are you Power in Partnership? Join Lawyers with Purpose and discover how to begin living a Power in Partnership life. If you would like to know more about what we have to offer you in membership, join us on Friday, December 19th at 2 EST for our FREE webinar "The Most Profitable Planning You'll Ever Find: For Year End and year Begin". Space is limited to reserve your spot today!
David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center