
The Medicaid Aspects In The Estate Planning Drafting Software

Our Medicaid software is industry-changing. We've designed software with artificial intelligence – it knows the applicable laws and exemptions as you enter clients' information. Not only does it tell you the plan of action to take, but it also designs the funding plan and drafts an opinion letter for you to give to clients.

Click this link to watch the video of Dave discussing the unique Medicaid aspects of the software.



Moynihan and Lyons

Congratulations To Terry Moynihan, LWP Member Of The Month

What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP? 

Our greatest success to date is implementation of the workshop system.  The public is responding to our "7 Threats" advertising campaign and we appreciate that LWP has provided high quality presentation and promotional materials.  These have allowed us to get up and running with the workshops pretty quickly.

Moynihan and LyonsWe also value the well-developed procedures for workshop set-up, presentation and follow-up.  With each workshop we present, the entire process becomes more efficient and we become more confident that this system will be a key component of our growth and prosperity.


What is your favorite LWP tool?

Our favorite LWP tools are the Pipeline and Cash Flow Focusers.


How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice? 

 The biggest impact from being part of LWP came out of our attendance at the June Retreat, in Chicago.  Using the tools provided, we have been able to unify our team around well-defined processes and specific goals.  We now have a clearer idea of where we are going and what we need to do to achieve practice goals.


Nursing Home Marketing: The Big Meeting

Thanks for checking back for the next installment in our series on how to approach and attract nursing homes to your practice! If you missed the previous installments, you can find them in prior blogs.  Or email me and I'm happy to send them to your email!  Now that our previous pieces have helped you get in the door at the nursing home, we can address what happens next. Once you're in front of the business office manager, what do you say? Where do you go from there? Do you do the synergy meeting? We find that it's good to get the office manager to set up a meeting with other key personnel in the room.

Bigstock-Blue-Door--Very-High-Definiti-1429912The goal of this meeting is to get a Synergy Meeting on the books.  You will need to have each of the department heads there (the administrator, the admissions director, the finance director – or whatever they call their chief financial officer – the rehab director, and the social work manager). If you get those key people to attend, they can then share your information with their departments and it leverages your time with questions each department has. In that meeting, you should present what you know about Medicaid qualification (the ins and outs of the Medicaid system) and how this is useful for them.  Here's where you can educate them on the great opportunities for residents that could also benefit nursing homes.  

For example, one such benefit is the rehab stay at a nursing home, and how that’s a critical opportunity for residents to start that ball rolling in terms of the penalty period.  A patient who needs to be readmitted to the nursing home later may be qualified on day one for Medicaid to pick up the tab. That helps the nursing home avoid the black hole where somebody is occupying a bed and the nursing home is not getting paid because the patient ran out of money. Those are important things for nursing homes to know about, and more importantly, that YOU can help them with this.

Another example:  In some states, for instance, you can educate them on how a person could get in-home care and also get help in paying for that care through Community Medicaid.  Community Medicaid is totally different from Medicaid that would pay for a nursing home stay. The veteran’s benefit can also be used to help pay for care in your home. You need to make sure the nursing homes know to share that with residents and the residents’ families. You could also talk about pooled trust for example, and how those can be used to help somebody pay for care in their home. And then tie this in with the six legal must-knows for any nursing home (located on the members section of the website).

Try to make the meeting a "Lunch & Learn" or a "Lunch & Law" setting. It’s a very easy, relaxed atmosphere, which is a great setting for just going through the points of what YOU can do for them and answer their questions. You just need to make a connection at the meeting.  From there, you're sure to get a Nursing Home Synergy Meeting on the books with the right person.  

We hope this information will help you build your nursing home business. Check back soon for our next post, which will deal with how to follow up after you've established the business relationship.  And, if you have any questions at all in the meantime, please don't hesitate to email me at

Roslyn Drotar, Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


Who Is The LWP-CCS Drafting Software Designed For?

In this short, less than 2 minute video, Dave explains how seasoned estate planning attorneys appreciate the flexibility of being able to go beyond fundamental estate planning to help their client families with VA, Medicaid, Asset Protection and even Tax Planning using the Lawyers With Purpose estate planning drafting software.

Bigstock-Play-button-53748670Newer attorneys also appreciate the confidence-building safety of the software that prevents mistakes. Asset protection attorneys who are used to domestic asset protection trusts find that the iPug trusts affords the same benefits without any complications.

Watch the video and listen to Dave explain more of the benefits.




Industry Leaders In Estate Planning Drafting Software Since 2001

Our Medicaid qualification worksheet is by far the most advanced in the industry and our Medicaid qualification software is the only software in the entire industry that helps you properly calculate Medicaid eligibility for any type of client. Not only does it help you identify the maximum amount of assets that can be protected in the shortest period of time, it helps you present it to the client in a methodology they can understand and you can be confident you can achieve.  

Click the video below and watch a short presentation on exactly how the Medicaid Qualifiction Worksheet Module in the LWP-CCS works.


By use of the Medicaid qualification software, you are able to provide not only clients, but also your referral sources, detailed opinion letters on the asset protection and Medicaid planning strategies you can utilize to get each client qualified in the soonest possible time, protecting the maximum amount of assets based on an individual fact pattern. More importantly, it also calculates the asset risk analysis and the funding road map to ensure the funding is done in a timely and effective manner.

Most recent editions include an IRA liquidation analysis and annuity versus trust planning analysis. An IRA liquidation analysis, which actually calculates the point in time in which it would have been more advantageous to liquidate the IRA and pay the tax, rather than annuitizing and taking the RMD. Another recent edition includes the annuity versus trust planning analysis which helps identify the exact amount of money needed to go into an annuity, and when it would be more effective for the client for a trust plan to be utilized. There is no other software in the industry or even training that provides this information and knowledge. And at Lawyers With Purpose, it's at your fingertips any time you'd like it, in real time.

I have been providing this Medicaid expertise to the national industry since 2001 and have introduced it to at least three different national estate planning legal organizations including the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys, Wealth Council, and the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys. Bringing this knowledge into tools and systems to help estate and elder law attorney know they are not missing anything and getting the best possible result in their practice is something I enjoy brining to Lawyers With Purpose members.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


IRA Marketing Packet: Login Or Order Today!

On Tuesday, June 24th  Dave hosted a LIVE Lunch & Learn for all of the LWP members, all of his financial professionals, and the general estate planning industry at large titled: IRA's Not Protected The Supreme Court Rules

The complete marketing package is now available to our members and posted to the member web site.  This packet includes:

  • E‑blast to send to your referral sources.
  • The Power Point presentation to deliver to your advisors.
  • The recording of the live presentation to see how Dave presented it. 
  • A complete evaluation that will be a call to act to those in attendance of the program. 

In this workshop you will be able to provide to your referral sources:

  • An understanding of the key holdings of the recent Supreme Court decision.
  • Learn the asset protection strategies available for inherited IRAs.
  • Know the four requirements for trusts to qualify to own IRAs without causing taxation.
  • Discover the "inside" and "outside" planning strategies we have used for years to protect inherited IRAs and provide clients with the maximum number of options at death to avoid the loss of an IRA to creditors and long-term care costs.

To locate the packet, login to the member site, hover over the “Marketing” tab and choose the “Professional Presentations” folder.  Scroll down to the folder titled “IRA's Not Protected The Supreme Court Rules” and you will find the materials along with the video.

For non-members, you order your own Marketing Packet and start doing your own presentations by clicking here:

Roslyn Drotar, Coaching, Consulting & Implementation – Lawyers With Purpose


What’s Included In Our Estate Planning Drafting Software (LWP-CCS)

One of the most unique and powerful elements of the entire Lawyers of Purpose™ Law Practice Model is our industry busting document creation software. What makes it industry busting? It's a whole new dimension to provide competent legal documents. But what makes it unique is that it's not just software, it's a culmination of the estate planning experience for the client.

The name says it all, "Lawyers with Purpose, Client-Centered Software" (aka LWP-CCS). It is unparalleled in the industry, because unlike typical legal software, this software is based wholly on the needs of the client. In fact, the needs of the client are clearly identified in the initial meeting when they hire you. The process we use to help them identify the plan solves the need the client has expressed. It starts all the way back at the workshop where we educate them. It then carries into the initial meeting where they hire us and then into the design meeting where a detailed design template is utilized. This helps to walk the client through their life, while they are alive and well, when they become disabled, when they die, when their spouse becomes disabled or dies, and even when their assets pass to their children and what happens if they become divorced, die, disabled, or have creditors or predators pursue them.

The other industry busting element of this software is that it is a single entry system. This means that a single interview based on the design will generate all documents (wills, healthcare proxies, powers of attorneys, revocable trusts, and irrevocable trusts) all based on a single entry. More importantly, as you go through the interview, the software will warn you if you pick choices throughout it that are inconsistent or could lead to potential malpractice. You are protected at every angle and that's not all.

In addition to these protections and industry busting standards, it is also the most customizable software in the industry. It permits dozens of sub-trusts, trustee appointment for each sub trust, different distribution standards for classes of trusts, stand-alone sub trust and even has an element of artificial intelligence to create results that you as the attorney, once trained, are absolutely confident not only in what you are doing, but anyone in your office that is supporting you in this role will be doing competently and confidently.

Another unique offering of the software is its comprehensiveness. Not only does it provide wills, healthcare proxies, and powers of attorney, but it's our industry exclusive personal needs plan, IPug™ trust, completed gift trust, and Medicaid qualification software. Come see the next generation of document creation.  Click here (or below) to watch a short video (less than 2 min!) about what's included in the LWP-CCS.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center



What’s The Difference Between Coaching, Consulting & Implementation

In a nutshell, Coaching, Consulting & Implementation (CC&I) is the coach drawing information “out” while the consultant puts information “in” and the implementation unites everything into a systemized, bite-sized, one small step-at-a-time achievable path and plan.

  • Bigstock-Lane-in-meadow-and-deep-blue-s-38652739Coaching – Coaching is all about unlocking our members’ potential to maximize their own performance.  It is about guiding members to a place of self-directed learning rather than teaching. Power in Partnership™ is collaboration between the coach and an individual and/or team that support the achievement of extra-ordinary results. Coaching is about guiding members to set realistic, reachable and quantifiable goals that help a team move forward into action.  As coaches, we are companions who walk alongside our members through their explorative journey.
  • ConsultingConsultants analyze data and advise members of best practices to help them make the best possible choices. Consulting is about teaching and evaluating strategic plans to help members meet their “Money Plan” goals.  As consultants, we provide information-based expertise while showing you the “what,” “where,” “when,” “how” and “why” supported by tracking and measurement.
  • ImplementationImplementation focuses specifically on supporting members through teaching and the implementation of LWP Systems and Processes into their practices.  Implementation always anchors back to the LWP tools and demonstrates how the processes intertwine and support each other.   

Every journey begins with a destination in mind.  Whether your goal is to create an efficient and profitable practice, a purpose-driven practice that has a lasting impact on your community, or a saleable practice that leaves a legacy for your family, CC & I provides controlled growth, increases revenue and creates practice efficiency that helps reduce costs, improve operating margins and creates consistent cash flow.

Regardless of your destination, the CC & I program within Lawyers with Purpose provides members with a guide and a compass to assist with the journey.  Allowing lawyers to make a difference with a comprehensive approach of:

Be (Coaching) + Do (Consulting) + Have (Implementation) = A practice with purpose…a Lawyer with Purpose.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


What LWP Tri-Annual Retreat Attendees Are Getting Today

Today is Day 3 of the Lawyers With Purpose Members Tri-Annual Retreat.  We have the priviledge of guest speaker Christine Kane speaking and we want to share with you a little sneak peek of her agenda for the day. 

Becoming-360-11x17-FINALIt actually shows very little of what's actually going to happen in the room.  Estate Planning Attorneys nationally, together with their teams talking about growing personally and professionally.  Transforming themselves and their team.  It's just a little peek of the agenda from 10-2:30 but they've all been together for almost 3 full days!  

  • Why do we set goals? Why don't we achieve them?  Limiting beliefs, etc.
  • Breaking limiting patterns
    • Aspiration (motivation/goal/dream)
    • Awareness
    • Action (mindset and energy included)
      • You can’t run away from yourself! 
  • What’s in the way of your goals?
  • Exercise
  • Set your goal – pick your number $ for the year or 3 years
    • Describe your environment – 3 words
    • Describe your time – 5 core activities you spend bulk of time doing
    • Doing things outside of what you’re being called to do costs energy
    • The more you start doing things you’re good at, the more money you’ll make (hiring people to take the chores off you)
  • Partner up, share your vision.
    • Name the vision
  • Camp Scarcity (fear): not enough, loss, competition, limits, well is dry, constriction/contraction, not deserving, hard, cold, alone, isolated, familiar, struggle, envy, martyr, victim, guilt, judgment, perfectionism, greed, lust, experiences deplete us
  • Planet Abundance: in the flow, effortless, ease, clarity, creative, innovative, community, collaboration, gratitude, love, appreciation, joy, happiness, presence, compassion
  • Worksheet prep (Becoming 360)
    • 10 areas of work and life, in terms of your dream
    • 5 core beliefs of the person you want to become
    • Rate truth – never, fairly, sometimes, always
    • Partner, share your 5 beliefs and rating
  • Create one affirmation statement for one of these beliefs
  • Create one action step that locks in the affirmation
  • Recurring thoughts, positive and negative
  • Write 5 beneficial recurring thoughts in journal
    • Rate truth – never, fairly, sometimes, always
  • Partner, share the beliefs and rating
  • Create one action step for these recurring thoughts
  • Worksheet
    • Fill in sections 1-2, “Becoming 360”
  • Daily activities (present)
  • WWOD – What Would Oprah Do? 
    • Are your daily activities in line with the vision you?  What can you offload?
  • Cross off anything on list that your vision self would no longer do
    • Start small if you need to, major drains
    • There is no recipe or formula, it’s your own experience
    • Protect your confidence, cross off anything negative
  • Partner up, share list and what’s going away
    • Create one action step for worksheet
    • Tell Me Later and Text Minder – apps for future reminders
    • Task Rabbit or Angie’s List to find help
  • Habits
  • Recurring patterns vs. activities
  • Partner; share new habit you will implement for next 90 days to bring this vision
    • Health & Energy
  • Holistic model, don’t compartmentalize – business and health are interrelated
  • 3-5 places in health (mental, mindset, physical, etc.) that are draining you
  • Action step: 1 thing you can do to begin process of healing what’s draining you.  Something do-able.  Set the intention to see what can open up – be open to miracles.
  • Partner, share your action.
    • Environment
    • What can you clean up?
  • Partner and share who you’ll have on your team
    • Products & Offers
  • What needs to change to get you to your income goal?
  • Books leading into program (create back-end first)
  • 3 things your vision self offers, and how they’re priced
  • Stand and partner, share
  • Free Time
  • Schedule your time
  • How often does your vision self take vacation?
  • What does free time look like?
  • Partner – current free time, one action step to boost it this year
    • Best Relationships
  • 5 common, important traits of the people your vision self most spends time with
  • 5 people you currently hang out with the most
  • How do these 5 people measure up to the 5 vision traits?  Do these people serve you?
  • Action step to build better, more supportive relationships

You don't want to miss Pheonix in October.  Block October 22nd – 24th on your calendar now and join in the conversation if you weren't able to make it this time.  I can't wait to hop on my implementation calls next week and hear what the members came up with for their firm Money Plan and Becoming 360!

Roslyn Drotar – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


Start Where You Are

Sounds pretty obvious, doesn’t it? But how often do we really give ourselves that gift? How often do we stop and tell ourselves, wherever we’re headed, this is where we start? It means being willing to let go of the past. It means resisting the need to race ahead.  It means controlling the stories of why we can’t get started.

Bigstock-Athletes-At-The-Sprint-Start-L-58880123It may be creating a marketing plan when you only have $500 a month to realistically dedicate to the project. It may be finally firing that employee who “knows everything” when you don’t have the rehire in place. It may be making the unyielding commitment to hardwire five hours into your calendar for marketing when you have to answer the phones, draft trusts and greet clients who arrive 20 minutes early so they can tell you all about their grandbabies.

Sometimes the simplest truths are the most slippery. We convince ourselves that it “isn’t that bad” or that we might be “overreacting” or have “unrelenting standards.” These are all especially true if you lead with responsibility and/or harmony on the strength-finder assessment. But if we simply allow ourselves to start from where we are today, that is often more than enough.

Last week I was working with a firm, and the focus of our Coaching, Consulting & Implementation (CC&I) call was “getting the right people in the right roles.” They had just hired two new people within the past four weeks and had let go of a “lifer” employee. They were trying to train the two new hires for the role of “Legal Assistant,” i.e.  “please do it all and take the pain and pressure away.”  The attorney went into explaining about how the firm can't do Y until X and when A is up and running they can implement B. I listened intently to the mental download and then started with “I've got all that.  But we are here and let’s start from exactly where we are. Because in my experience, the have, do, be method never works out to your advantage. (When we have A, then we can do B so we can be the law firm I have always envisioned.) That's because I have never met a firm that woke up one day and all the missing pieces were finally in place (i.e., people, time and money). We’re going to take a different approach.”

The approach of starting where you are:  It allows you to originate from a clean slate so you can get to the root and cultivate a deeper understanding of what you need, right here, right now!  It gets to the heart of the matter – which eliminates all opportunities to create a bigger-than-necessary project. The approach of start where you are allows for one small step at a time. This may sound hokey, but this approach allows us to get down and dirty and take a look at our distractions – the things that tend to get between you and your optimal success.

We'll see you next week at the Members Tri Annual Retreat in Chicago and begin working on your next quarter Money Plan (and yes, we'll be starting right where you are).  In which areas of your practice do you need to start where you are?

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.