
Who Should Be Trustee?

There's a constant battle between lawyers as to who should be trustee of an irrevocable asset protection trust. The primary school of thought is that it should never be the grantor, and some schools of thought believe it should never be the beneficiary. At Lawyers with Purpose, we disagree with both of those positions, but we recognize the concerns and rely on sound principles of asset protection law in making the final determinations.

Bigstock-Who--4420521Let's first discuss the question of whether the grantor should be trustee. Many practitioners believe that allowing the grantor to be trustee makes the assets of an irrevocable trust available to the grantor's creditors. Such a proposition is ludicrous. The challenge with most lawyers is that they do not allow the grantor to be trustee of his or her irrevocable trust. When pushed to explain why, they typically assume that's the way it was always done. Few dig further to see why it was done that way. So let's examine why grantors were not traditionally named trustee. The most adverse impact is that, if the grantor is trustee, they're deemed to retain enough control to have the assets of the trust included in their taxable estate when they die. For many generations, this was the death knell? of an asset protection trust. But in the last 15 years it's become irrelevant because of the rise of the estate tax exemption. Today only two in a thousand Americans have a taxable estate, so preventing the grantor from being trustee because of a potential inclusion of the trust asset in the estate of the grantor is not relevant to 99.8 percent of Americans. So why hold them to that standard?

The next major argument is a theory that if the grantor has control of the trust, then he could direct it back to himself. Well, that depends. What does the trust say? If the trust says that the grantor is not a beneficiary, or similarly the grantor is not a principal beneficiary but is entitled to the income, does that mean that the grantor as trustee all of a sudden gains a super power to violate the terms of the trust and give himself the principal when it's not allowed for? Hardly. In fact, there is consistent case law throughout all of the states, including cases that lead all the way up to the Supreme Court, that supports the notion that a grantor as trustee has all of the same fiduciary obligations as any other trustee and by no means has authority to act outside the powers granted to trustee. I specifically refer you to my Law Review article, "The Irrevocable Pure Grantor Trust: The Estate Planning Landscape Has Changed" in the Syracuse Law Review. In this article, I go through in‑depth review of all of the case law nationwide, and I'm excited to say that it is sound law that a grantor can be a trustee without risking the assets to the creditors of the grantor. One caveat, however, is if the grantor does retain the right to the income, then absolutely the income will be available to the creditors of the grantor.

So are there circumstances when the grantor as trustee's trust is invaded? Absolutely, but in every single case the invasion was not due to the grantor being the trustee, but rather was due to the pattern of behavior by a grantor trustee who violated regularly the terms of the trust in favor of themselves, and the trust was thereafter deemed a sham. In such cases, I concur with any court that makes that decision based on people who try to defraud the system. Irrevocable trusts must be managed in an arm's length manner, and as lawyers we do not plan for someone to become fraudulent. They are fraudulent to their own peril. But a properly drawn trust when the trustee is the grantor in no way, shape or form creates any risk of loss of asset protection if the terms of the trust are followed, as they are required to be in every case whether the grantor is trustee or not.

So at Lawyers with Purpose we encourage our members to do good legal work based on sound law, not fear, conjecture or because that's the way it's always been done. In the end, the client wins. It is silly to deny thousands of clients that we serve the ability to manage and control their own assets for the benefit of their families, just because some rogue case in some rogue state from some vile fact pattern allowed the court to invade against the intentions of the grantor. Protect your clients. Teach your clients. Share with your clients how these work. They are very safe and a great planning tool.

If you want to learn more about Lawyers With Purpose you can find all the information about becoming a member by clicking here to download our Membership Brochure.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


Tips For VA form 21-0779

Purpose of the 21-0779

The VA form 21-0779 “Request for Nursing Home Information In Connection With Claim for Aid and Attendance” is used only for certain non-service-connected pension claims, and its primary purpose is to document the level of care required by a claimant or a claimant’s dependent. The VA form 21-0779 is completed specifically for individuals who are residents of nursing homes. The importance of documenting this level of care is twofold:

  1. To support a claim for additional pension above and beyond the base level;
  2. To support the need for certain medical expenses.

There are three levels of non-service-connected pension that a claimant may qualify for: Base pension, Housebound, and Aid & Attendance. The base pension is the lowest pension that a claimant may be awarded. Additional funds are granted if you can document that the claimant is housebound, and even more funds go to those requiring another individual to assist with at least two activities of daily living, or ADLs. The VA also looks at level of care when considering medical expenses to offset income. Therefore, the VA form 21-0779 should document the level of care that justifies the medical expenses being declared. This applies to the claimant’s dependents as much as to the claimant. So for example, the VA will not consider the nursing home facility expense for a veteran’s spouse unless a form 21-0779 is completed for the spouse indicating the need for this level of care.

Bigstock-Forms-Concept-with-Word-on-Fol-95979155Completing the 21-0779

The VA form 21-0779 is just a single page and is mainly to be completed by a third party; that is, the nursing home. All you need to complete the form is the veteran’s – or claimant’s, if other than the veteran – name(s), and Social Security number(s). When you are completing this form for a living veteran’s spouse or other dependent, that person’s name appears in the field that requests the name of the claimant, even though, strictly speaking, the claimant is the living veteran. When downloaded from the VA website at, the 21-0779 has no separate instruction pages. The form is fairly straightforward to fill out, but it still provides a toll-free phone number for those who require assistance completing the form. Despite the fact that you are not completing this form yourself for the most part, you should still review all 21-0779s once completed by the nursing home and before submitting to the VA so that you can confirm that every field is answered.

What to file with the 21-0779

Nothing in particular is required to be filed with the 21-0779 form. If you determine that you do need to file this form, it should be submitted as part of a fully developed claim in order to expedite the processing. If you are filing the VA form 21-0779 with your formal claim, then you do not need to file a VA form 21-2680 “Examination for Housebound Status or Permanent Need for Regular Aid and Attendance” because the former documents that the claimant is in a nursing home and requires skilled nursing care and thus by definition has a permanent need for regular aid and attendance. This will, however, not stop some VA adjudicators from requesting the 21-2680 form in addition to the VA form 21-0779, thus we generally request all our VA clients to get a VA form 21-2680 completed as soon as they have retained us.

Always remember that this form can be used for supporting both a claim for a higher level of pension and the need for certain medical expenses. Keep those two purposes in mind when you are deciding whether or not it needs to be included as part of your VA claim, and when reviewing its completion by the nursing home to make sure there are not unexpected results with your claim.

If you're interested in learning more about the Lawyers With Purpose Cloud Based Workflow System join us on Friday, February 26th at 2EST.  Finally…an AUTOMATED law firm system for Estate and Elder Law Attorneys designed to free up your time and get the work out the door quickly and easily!  Click here to reserve your spot for this FREE LIVE DEMO!  We only have a few spots left so grab your seat today!

By Sabrina A. Scott, Paralegal, The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC and Director of VA Services for Lawyers With Purpose.

Victoria L. Collier, Veteran of the United States Air Force, 1989-1995 and United States Army Reserves, 2001-2004. Victoria is a Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation; Author of “47 Secret Veterans Benefits for Seniors”; Author of “Paying for Long Term Care: Financial Help for Wartime Veterans: The VA Aid & Attendance Benefit”; Founder of The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC; Co-Founder of Lawyers with Purpose; and Co-Founder of Veterans Advocate Group of America.


Do You Employ The “Fifty Shades of Grey” Publicist?

E L James is the author of the extremely popular erotic romance trilogy "Fifty Shades of Grey," released in May of 2011 and followed by the movie of the same title on February 13, 2015. This was the author's first novel, but she clearly hit a home run!

Maybe that is where I had my misconnect. I write poetry, some of which is provocative. Believing the new release of the movie would be a great opportunity to connect two pieces of art, I sent a letter via email to Ms. James’ publicist, which included three topic-appropriate poems. Yes, it was gutsy and a stretch, but history is not made by watching other people take action (and neither is money).

Bigstock-Grey-pixel-mosaic-design-backg-107626922It has been a year and I have not heard from Ms. James or her publicist – not even a "We are not interested." It makes me wonder if Ms. James ever even got my letter, or if her publicist independently discarded it without discussion.

When are referrals or opportunities sent to you that you are not aware of? Often.

Just to share a few in my law office I, much too late, learned of:

  1. A resume for an administrative position received by a paralegal and discarded without bringing it to me.
  2. A referral, from a good friend, that wouldn't follow our office procedures and requested a free consult without first attending a workshop. Discarded.
  3. An offer to make a presentation to a nursing home.

Would I have accepted any of the above opportunities? Maybe, but now I have no choice.

  1. I was in fact hiring at the time the resume was discarded.
  2. I would have done pro bono consult to help a colleague.
  3. I would move mountains to get in front of a nursing home administrator.

So why were they discarded? Why was my opinion trumped?

Because of one of two reasons, or both.

  1. Employees who believe they know a) what is best for you or the firm, or b) what you would have said and didn't want to bother you. These are rogue employees in the guise of being independent and efficient.


  1. You haven't been clear on your expectations. A system should be in place for each member of the firm to report opportunities of ALL kinds presented, accepted and rejected. An opportunity in this sense should be defined as "a request of some sort by another person or organization to either the firm or the managing lawyer."

I appreciate efficiency and independence, but I appreciate opportunity even more. The owner or manager of the firm should have the final say to accept or deny.

I feel certain that, had Ms. James been presented with my letter and poetry, she would have taken one of two actions:

  1. Remembered her beginnings and reached out to assist a sister in the arts.


  1. Sent a reply politely denying my request.

Don't your prospects and professional community deserve the same?

What are you missing? What processes can you implement to catch them? What can you do to gently discard the others without leaving them hanging?

Did you know that Lawyers With Purpose has it's own Cloud Based Workflow System specifically for estate and elder law firms?  If you want to learn more about it, join us on Friday, February 26th at 2EST for a FREE live demo! Just click here to reserve your spot now.

Victoria L. Collier, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation; Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Founder and Managing Attorney of The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC; Co-Founder of Veterans Advocates Group of America; Entrepreneur; Author; and nationally renowned Presenter.

Jaloza and Team

Congratulations to Andrew Jaloza, Lawyers With Purpose Member of The Month

What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP?  

The greatest success is having created a thriving Estate Planning Practice run by a cohesive team of dedicated people who are passionate about helping as many families as we possibly can.

Jaloza and TeamWhat is your favorite LWP tool?

It is not just the tools but the total client centered systematic approach of the LWP process that has allowed us to quickly go from zero to hero as an Elder Law and Estate Planning firm. 

How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice?

We have been impacted by our implementation coach Roz Drotar and our mentor Coach Candace Pollock, both of whom have held us accountable and challenged us to reach our highest possible potential while imparting their years of experience-based suggestions to help us achieve amazing growth over the past year.

Share something about yourself that most people don’t know about you.

Something that people don't know about me is that I am transparent. What you see is truly what you get. 

What is your favorite book and how did it impact your life?

My favorite book is called Man's Search of Meaning by Viktor Frankl. This book has impacted my life because after reading it, it has taught me that everything in your life is a matter of perspective, and how you look at something creates your world.   



Is Asset Protection Dead? Pfannenstiehl v. Pfannenstiehl

A recent Massachusetts case throws into question whether long-term asset protection is safe. This particular case was disturbing because the defendant in a divorce proceeding's share in an irrevocable trust from his parents was deemed to be a marital asset and had to be distributed to his ex‑wife. This was a third-party trust, created by the parents for the benefit of their son, that had specific spendthrift provisions to prohibit such an attack. The Massachusetts court deemed otherwise.

So is asset protection planning on its way out? Absolutely not, in light of the fact that the case had several significant factors – and as always, the devil is in the details. First, Massachusetts has a very strong statute regarding marital property interests. Second, the trust had a specific termination date wherein the son was going to get the rest, residue and remainder of his share at a specific date. Third, payments from the trust were made regularly and consistently and stopped on the “eve” of the divorce. And fourth, the trustee had ascertainable distribution standards of health, education, maintenance and support. Finally, it had the ideal plaintiff: the wife who shared two special-needs children with the defendant. Put all of that together and judges will find a way to pierce the trust. So what is one to do?

Bigstock-Breaking-The-Bank-4881450While this case was shocking to many, decisions like this are not a surprise in the Lawyers with Purpose community, which is why we have been recommending certain strategies to safeguard against even the pickiest judges and fact patterns. For example, when traditionally drafting a trust and leaving it to beneficiaries in asset protection trusts, we believe the strongest protection comes from having separate share trusts for each beneficiary, with provisions specific to the needs of the individual beneficiary. Second – and this is the most important part – we believe there should not be ascertainable standards, but rather pure discretionary rights to the trustee. Finally, whenever possible the beneficiary should not be an individual, but rather a class of people. For example, in this case, instead of naming just the son as beneficiary, we would recommend naming the son and his issue as beneficiaries, thereby opening up the class of beneficiaries and enhancing the asset protection. One may be fearful of naming the issue. Well, therein lies the trick. Who is named beneficiary is not ultimately the determining factor of who benefits, but rather who the trustee determines who benefits. Create a class of people the trustee can sprinkle income and/or principal among as they deem appropriate in their absolute discretion (not ascertainable standards).

In the Massachusetts case, this could have solved the problem. How? During the marriage, it is likely most of the regular payments provided to the son were actually used in the marriage for the children or items that the husband and wife benefited from jointly. By opening up the class of people, the trustee could have made distributions directly to the children to provide support for the children that the husband was using the money for anyway. By doing this, it surely indicates the assets were not assets of the husband's, but were truly a third-party trust that, at the discretion of the trustee, was distributed to various members in the class, thereby not making it a marital asset. The defendant could have continued to use proceeds from the trust for the benefit of his special-needs children even after the divorce; in fact, most fathers would not penalize their children for divorcing from their spouse. But the key distinction would be that the husband would have remained in control of the assets rather than having to surrender them to a former spouse, wherein there would be no control.

The challenge today is that too many lawyers are on autopilot when they're drafting trusts – or worse, their trust drafting software system doesn’t allow the customizations and protections that the Lawyers with Purpose client-centered software does. Our client-centered software advises the attorneys and allows them to custom tailor each and every option. In addition, LWP™ attorneys are trained to think like the worst court you can imagine and identify how to create provisions that are not specifically targeted at a particular goal but rather strategically drafted to accommodate multiple objectives.

Click here now to see how our trust drafting software will keep your client's needs always in the front of your planning. 

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


Estate Planning & Tax Basis Basics

When doing estate planning, it is critical that the attorney is aware of the basic tax basis issues and their impact on estate planning.

Tax “basis” is a term related to income taxes. The “tax basis” of an asset owned by an individual can change based upon the type of asset, when it was purchased, and the value at sale or death of the owner. So let's start with the basics. Most principal assets are purchased. This includes stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and even businesses, among other things. When you purchase a principal asset, the IRS looks at the value of that asset when purchased to determine what, if any, income tax should be paid when and if it is later sold. For example, if you buy a stock at $10 per share and hold it for a period of years and then sell it when it is worth $15 a share, the IRS will identify your tax basis as $10 and your sale value at $15 to net an income taxable amount of $5 per share (aka “capital gains”). Over the years, the government has taxed capital gains differently from ordinary income.

Bigstock-Real-Estate-Concept-9382373There are additional issues to consider with basis. For example, it can change if you own real estate, and if it is used as a business (rented out to others), you can “depreciate” the real property. Depreciation is a non-cash-flow expense against your income. For example if you buy a commercial building for $250,000 and rent it out, in addition to the regular expenses incurred each year from your cash flow, including interest, taxes, insurance, utilities, and general maintenance, the IRS also allows you to take a depreciation expense that represents a percentage of the value of the real estate. Traditionally, depreciation periods are over 27½ or 39½ years. So a $250,000 building divided by 39½ years provides for the annual depreciation amount of $6,329. While the IRS allows you this deduction, you do not have to pay anybody anything to get the deduction. In contrast, however, the $6,239 depreciation deduction reduces your basis in the real estate. So, for income tax purposes, your building no longer has a basis of $250,000, but now $243,761. As you continue to own the building and take the depreciation expense, your tax basis in the real estate continues to decrease, thereby leading to a greater potential income tax when the property is later sold. If the property had been depreciated for 10 years, the basis would have been reduced by $63,390, netting a new tax basis of $186,710. If later sold for $350,000, a capital gain will be assessed on the difference between the sales price and no adjusted basis ($163,290), not the original purchased price and sales price ($100,000).

Finally, it is important to note as an estate planner that tax basis gets automatically “stepped up” if you own the asset at death. Under the previous scenario, if you bought a stock for $10 that grew to $15 or you owned a piece of property that you paid $250,000 for and depreciated $63,000, when you die, both are revalued at your date of death and the values are included in your taxable estate for estate tax purposes. The good news is their estate tax does not trigger any actual payment requirement unless the estate exceeds $5,430,000. Conversely, while it does not incur an estate tax, the beneficiaries get a “step up” in basis after the death of the original owner to the value at date of death, so any subsequent sale after death will yield no income taxes. When planning, sometimes holding assets until after death has a strategic advantage if they are significantly appreciated.

This is also true in charitable planning. If assets that have been appreciated are donated to charity prior to death, the donor will receive an income tax charitable deduction equal to the fair market value, not the tax basis, but there are limitations on the charitable deduction if the contribution was made from appreciated assets. A charitable contribution made with a full basis asset (i.e. cash) can be deducted up to 50 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income, whereas the deduction for a charitable donation of appreciated property is limited to 30 percent of adjusted gross income. The biggest advantage, however, comes from individuals waiting until after death to convey their highly appreciated assets, so no capital gains tax is incurred to the client (because they didn’t sell it during life) nor the beneficiary (because they received a “step up” in basis). Understanding tax basics is critical to ensure that you always consider the income tax impacts when signing in the short and long term for a client.

If you are interested in learning more about Lawyers With Purpose and in particular how our Client Centered Estate Planning Drafting Software can make a difference in your estate and/or elder law practice, just click here and schedule a day/time that works for you to discover it for yourself – first hand.  Just show up with any questions you have!  We've got the answers!

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


Do You Hold Your Client’s Hand Through The Planning Process…

I was walking to the park with my daughter when she asked me to hold her hand. There is no feeling like my child’s hand in my own. But I was confused when, as we were holding hands, my daughter said, “No, Mommy, hold my hand.” I thought I was. I was not. Rather, I was letting her hold my hand. My fingers were still outstretched and not wrapped around her hand. She wanted the security of my hand holding her tightly.

In our law firms, how often do we believe we are holding our client’s hand when actually we are not? We feel we are providing a top-notch service but we are not. Are we holding their hand or really just letting them hold ours?

Bigstock-Touch---5687052Becoming eligible for and applying for veterans benefits is complicated. The client must be instructed step-by-step through the process. The same is true for Medicaid applicants. From the time the client engages our services through the receipt of a benefits award, we are regularly communicating and giving instruction. I know we have stopped holding their hand when the client calls and says, “Why isn’t this going faster?” or “I’ve paid all this money and I don’t think we’ve gotten our money’s worth,” or “It just doesn’t feel worth this trouble,” or “I wish I had not even hired you.”

Those are not words you want to hear from a client. They are often followed by words that sound like “refund.” It is easy to get defensive and blame the system or the VA. But what is really happening? We have stopped holding our client’s hand and just let them hold ours. We have stopped providing them the security they need to feel safe and confident in us.

Perhaps not everyone on the team even knows they are supposed to hold your client’s hand. My marketing director was speaking with a nursing home administrator during a synergy meeting. The nursing home administrator asked, “Do you hold your client’s hand through the process?” My marketing director said, “Oh, no, we don’t hold their hands.” When I heard that, I was confounded. How could he say such a thing when we work so hard to please our clients? His definition and my definition of holding hands was different. Just like when I was holding my daughter’s hand, her definition was different from mine. Her expectation was different from mine.

I encourage you to review your office procedures and processes. Are you providing to your client the sense of security you believe you are providing? Are you meeting the expectations you have given your clients? Where can you more securely hold their hand? Just a slight adjustment will make a huge difference to them. Now, when I hold my daughter’s hand, I pay close attention to ensure that my fingers wrap around her hand, as she wants, expects and needs.

If you would like a free eBook and discover the secret smart estate and elder law attorneys use to run their practice and generate success by design rather than default click here to download "The Five Essential Roles For A Successful Practice".

Victoria L. Collier, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation; Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Founder and Managing Attorney of The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC,; Co-Founder of Veterans Advocates Group of America; Entrepreneur; Author; and nationally renowned Presenter.


Will You Be In The Conference Room or The Courtroom Resolving The Estate?

Many clients understand the benefits of trusts because of the past 25 years of the marketing of revocable living trusts. Clients, however, don't always understand what makes trusts work. Still today, many lawyers draft simple trusts that are little more than a "fill in the blank" form in an attempt to "avoid probate." Even if attorneys are able to deliver higher-quality trusts, many still fail to fund them. This leads to the greatest challenge of all. After death, will the client's family be in a courtroom trying to resolve the estate or will it happen in your conference room? The worst part is, most attorneys don’t think they have a "fill in the blank" trust, because they have a document creation system from XYZ Estate Planning organization. Surely they know what they are doing!

The key to the answer will depend upon the terms of the trust created, and the integration of the financial assets into the plan to ensure probate is avoided and the full benefits of the trust are accomplished. Unfortunately, most advanced trust systems are nothing more than a higher-level "fill in the blank" trust and usually create around the attorney’s needs, not the client's. That inevitably leads to other challenges.

Bigstock-Conference-Room-412947The next question in trust planning centers around the after-death provisions in a living trust. A lot of control and latitude can be provided to the family members of a decedent if the trust was properly drafted and funded. The specific powers you grant to the after-death trustees, in addition to the specific manner in which the assets can be distributed, can also have a significant impact. For example, a majority of practitioners still continue to deliver the trust assets to the beneficiaries outright after the death of the grantor. While this is simple, it requires a whole other estate planning endeavor for the beneficiary that didn’t have to happen. While that puts more money in the beneficiaries’ pocket, I am not sure it is the best way to meet the client’s overall goal.

Another strategy to consider while drafting revocable living trusts is to transfer the assets to a separate share asset protection trust for each of the beneficiaries. This assures that the client's ultimate goals of protecting their assets for their loved ones – and perhaps from their loved ones – can be achieved. Obviously this can’t be achieved in the "fill in the blank" trusts many lawyers use, and not easily in the lawyer-centered document systems.

Don't go it alone. Let Lawyers with Purpose help you sort this out in a systemized and organized fashion that includes the legal technical training, comprehensive customization of trusts and particular drafting available to accomplish the myriad needs of the clients’ overall planning strategy – and helps them sleep at night. Don't go it alone. Join us for the legal technical, practice management, and marketing strategies to be a comprehensive solution to your client.

If you're at all interested in joining Lawyers With Purpose and making 2016 your best year yet – we'd like to invite you to a webinar THIS FRIDAY, January 22nd at 2 EST.  Register now for "How You Can Have the Business, the Income and the Life that You Once Dreamed About When You First Started Your Practice" and see how we can help you make it happen once and for all!

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


What David Bowie Taught Us About Personal Care Plans

I was in 5th grade when I got my first ghetto blaster. It was pink and came from Santa wrapped up with a David Bowie cassette tape. I played “Dancing in the Street” on that ghetto blaster, danced around my room and stared at my David Bowie poster what seemed like a million times. He was an icon. His music masterfully took over MTV during the time period when MTV played music videos. He was able to paint the exact picture he desired his audiences to see. A talent he held even in death. David Bowie fought cancer for 18 months privately and died in his home, peacefully, surrounded by family. With the help of his wife, Iman, and children David died exactly as he lived … on his own terms.

David-bowie-success-anxietyAs soon as I read of the way that he passed, I instantly knew that David had a personal care plan. He decided exactly who he wanted around him at death. It has been reported that when he got too sick to go to his favorite pub for his favorite sandwiches, assistants would go pick them up for him. When facing a chronic disease, there is so little we can control, but isn’t it nice to know that we can plan to be as comfortable as possible, surrounded by the things and people we love and sheltered from those we do not want around.  

Personal care plans are an amazing, yet largely overlooked, estate planning tool. While having our finances in order is critical, knowing we will pass with the comforts and dignity we deserve can offer more assurance than any other portion of a well-made plan. Early in my career, I largely disregarded the personal care plan as an ancillary document not necessary. But, as I watched client after client pass in various ways under various circumstances, I saw over and over not only the comfort it brought to the ill party, but the guidance and assurance it brought to family members that they were honoring their loved one as he would have wanted.  

A well written personal care plan allows a client the ability to guide who visits during end stages of life. It guides the determination of when and in what condition the person wishes to be taken out in public. It allows a person to select what food, drinks, television shows, books and entertainment he wants available when he can no longer articulate such things. It lists religious preferences and whether or not one wishes to attend church services.

Personal care plans also offer the ability to appoint one’s own disability panel. This disability panel is a group of individuals in someone’s life who will decide when a person is incompetent for purposes of any trust in which his estate is held. What a power! Now this person has kept his life from going on display as a Judge who knows little about him determines his competence. Instead the decision is made by a hand selected group of loved, trusted people in a private manner.

On his 50th birthday, David Bowie stood in Madison Square Garden and said, “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” And, it wasn’t. He left us on top of the charts and under his own terms. As LWP attorneys, how great is it that we make sure our clients pass with the same dignity?  And we have everything we need to do it right at our fingertips within the drafting software…

If you aren't a Lawyers With Purpose member consider joining our FREE webinar "How You Can Have the Business, the Income and the Life that You Once Dreamed About When You First Started Your Practice" on Friday, January 22nd at 2:00 EST.  In just one hour we'll share with you lots of effective techniques – and you don’t want to miss any of them:

  • Streamline your practice, increase revenue, avoid malpractice – all while working fewer hours and enjoying more time to spend with your family and serving your community.
  • Create targeted marketing and sales efforts so your practice grows reliably, predictably, and CONSISTENTLY!
  • Build lasting relationships with referral sources and strategic partners – ensuring your clients stay loyal AND work on your behalf referring their friends over and over again!

All Designed With YOUR Practice And YOUR Success In Mind

Kimberly Brannon, Legal-Technical & Software, Lawyers With Purpose


Revoking An Irrevocable Trust

Did you ever wonder if you can revoke an irrevocable trust? The bigger question is, why would you want to? Didn't the grantor set it up to ensure it's not revoked? All good questions, but you never know.

Many clients' biggest concern with creating irrevocable trusts is, “what if something happens” they never expected. As estate planning attorneys, we are able to calm client fears by expressing that an IPug® trust can permit them, as grantor, to retain rights to the income and continue for their life to continue all their assets and retain the complete authority to distribute the principal to anyone they choose at any time, other than themselves or their spouses (if Medicaid eligibility is a goal). Inevitably, there's always one client who worries they might need it.

A typical response is, they can distribute it to their kids and the kids can give it back. While this is true, it is not a foolproof planning strategy, as we cannot be assured that the children will actually give it to them in the manner the grantor so desired. More commonly, the need to revoke an irrevocable trust occurs if the client falls ill and needs long-term care prior to the five-year look-back period running. To “cure” the transfer to the irrevocable trust, one seeks to revoke the irrevocable trust in whole or in part, to ensure funds are given back to the grantor to pay through any penalty period caused by the transfer of assets that remain in the IPug. The question becomes, can you revoke an irrevocable trust?

Bigstock-Revoked-47094595The answer is, it depends on your state law. In most states, an irrevocable trust can be modified or revoked (completely or partially) if all of the parties consent. In an IPug trust, however, you do not need all of the parties to consent to modify the trust, as the grantor retains a non-generated power of appointment that allows the grantor the full rights to modify the trust beneficiaries in any way, shape or form, including the ability to modify the timing, manner and method of distribution to the beneficiaries. But one unbending restriction is that the grantor can never change the trust to give himself or herself access to the principal.

So who are considered the parties to the trust? Generally, the parties consist of the grantor, the trustee, and all of the beneficiaries. When drafting an irrevocable IPug trust, the grantor and trustee is traditionally the client. Therefore two out of the three can be accomplished with just the grantor. Further, getting consent of all of the beneficiaries traditionally includes the grantor, as they may be an income beneficiary during their life. The distinction then becomes, who else are the beneficiaries?

When considering those who are responsible to consent to a modification or revocation, one must look to the trust terms to determine if an individual is a present beneficiary, a residuary beneficiary, or a contingent beneficiary. Generally, most states require the consent of the present and residuary beneficiaries. Consent will not be required from any beneficiaries whose interest is not affected by the amendment or revocation. Some states, however, require even the consent of the contingent beneficiaries. Contingent beneficiaries are those who would receive the benefit from the trust if the present interest or residuary beneficiaries were not able to. Typically, this would be the children beneficiaries where a "per stirpes" distribution is provided for.

This can become very problematic if you need contingent beneficiaries’ consent, because most would be a minor and unable to consent. Then you would need to look to state law to see if a parent can consent on behalf of a child. In most states, since it's a property interest, parents do not automatically have the legal right to affect the property interests of their children, just guardianship over their “person.” The strategy with an IPug is to utilize the retained power of appointment to remove all beneficiaries except one, and then get that one named beneficiary to consent to the modification. After the modification is accomplished, the grantor can again modify the trust and rename all of the original beneficiaries if desired. Where it can get complicated is if any of the parties are deceased. Generally speaking, if a party is deceased, then the contingent beneficiaries would be required.

The bigger challenge is if the grantor is deceased. While a strong argument can be made that consent of the beneficiaries who ultimately benefit from the trust should be enough, it is very difficult to overcome a challenge that an irrevocable trust in the absence of the grantor who created it was meant to remain unchanged. It is presumed in the creation of the trust that the intentions of the grantor will be maintained in their absence. If you want to ensure that it can be modified after a grantor’s death or incompetence, your irrevocable trust should authorize a modification with the consent of the beneficiaries in the absence of the grantor by virtue of incompetency or death. You must, however, in all circumstances ensure that no modification can be made to permit the grantor to have access to the principle. Doing so would invalidate all of the protections originally sought by the irrevocable trust.

In a handful of states, consent of the parties is not sufficient to modify an irrevocable trust and consent from the court is required. This is a much more difficult approach, if for no other reason than the time it takes to get the court's consent, and the possible consequences or loss of assets caused by the delay. The cost by utilizing courts can be counter to the client's “protection” goal. That's obviously on a state by state and court by court basis. So if you're doing this planning, know your state's rules. The good news is that it is rare, if ever, that you need to revoke an IPug trust, and if you need to, it is quite simple to do by minimizing the beneficiaries through your power of appointment.

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David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center