
Building Profitable Referral Relationships: The Importance of Tracking Results

GettyImages-859129286As your referral relationships evolve, you want to track a wide range of information. For instance, make sure you know how many referrals you’re getting from each source, together with the average fee and retention rate per referral received.

If one referral source is providing prospects that generally turn into long-term, high-fee clients, you obviously want to do everything in your power to keep that referral source happy (we’ll talk about how to do that later). Conversely, you might want to reconsider your relationship with a referral source whose clients only want, say, a basic will or a power of attorney, or whose decisions are based on your price rather than your value.

You also want to make sure you’re measuring expectations. If you hosted a joint event with your referral source, were both your and the allied professional’s expectations met? Do you even know what the expectations and goals are? If you do, are they being met consistently?

If your referral source expects you to provide referrals to him or her, be sure to track that. A word of caution: tit for tat relationships can become problematic. If it’s all about “who’s getting the better deal” the relationship might not be a healthy one. This is not the relationship you want nor the type of relationship we have been describing.

Finally, whenever you discuss results with your referral source, be sure to talk about future opportunities to strengthen and grow the relationship.

Next time we’ll talk about another piece of information you should be tracking—touches.


Building Profitable Referral Relationships: Qualifying Your Referral Sources

GettyImages-1149683525Last time, we detailed the types of questions you need to ask to both demonstrate your value to the allied professional and to quickly determine if working with the professional will be of value to you. Now let’s discuss the latter topic a bit further. What are some of the red flags you should look for? That is, how can you determine whether the referral source in question is a “fit” or a “mis-fit?”

First and foremost, you need to know whether the professional is willing to meet again and follow specific actions you find helpful in generating a profitable relationship, such as attending one of your workshops. Similarly, you must know that the professional will tell his or her clients to contact your firm or attend a workshop. If they won’t follow your process, or don’t follow through with their commitments, the best course of action is to walk away. Or better yet, run away. How can you have a profitable relationship with a professional who is not interested in your needs or learning the basics of the services you have to offer?

As you meet with your target professional, you’ll also want to ask yourself the following question: Does this individual have the “heart of a teacher” or the “heart of a salesman?” You want to forge referral relationships with the former. Also, does the professional have poor communication skills, that is, does everything seem to be about him or her? This is another red flag.

The fact is, you only have so much time. Don’t make the mistake of believing that you can turn a prospective referral source around to your way of thinking. Maybe, with a great deal of time and effort, you can. However, your time is better spent on professionals with whom you have synergy and who can identify your value quickly!

One more thing: If all goes well during your meeting, be sure to specify exactly what the next steps in your relationship will be. “Great meeting you, I’ll be in touch” is not an effective way to end the meeting. Success depends on creating a plan for how to work together that produces results, not having a nice first meeting.


Building Profitable Referral Relationships: Ask the Right Questions

GettyImages-874406858Asking the right questions accomplishes several goals. It allows you to find ways to distinguish yourself from your competition and demonstrate the value you offer the allied professional and his or her clients. This can convince the professional to move forward with you. In addition, asking the right questions allows you to determine whether or not you want to forge a relationship with this particular professional. The key is understanding what type of questions to ask allied professionals—and why.

  • Ask questions that help you understand what they do
  • Ask questions to understand their experiences when working with attorneys, and what their clients have experienced working with attorneys
  • Ask questions to understand where there is opportunity or challenges
  • Ask questions to gain an understanding of what your services mean to them
  • Ask if they think their clients are planning properly
  • Ask questions to help you identify what to expect from this relationship
  • Ask questions that let them discuss how they see your firm supporting them and their goals

As you can see, a professional’s answers to these types of questions will give you an opportunity to further demonstrate your value by addressing his or her greatest concerns and showing how the two of you can work effectively together. Equally important, the answers will help you determine whether you want to work with this professional. We’ll talk more about qualifying your referral sources next time.


Building Profitable Referral Relationships: How to Get Off on the Right Foot

ThinkstockPhotos-828514690Why should a professional refer his or her clients to you? For starters, the professional must know why and how your services will benefit his or her clients. The professional must also be confident that you will “do right” by his or her clients—basically, that you will provide effective legal representation.

Next, why should the professional refer clients to you rather than the firm down the street? How do you distinguish yourself and assure them that you will keep your promises? Perhaps it’s your process that sets you apart and addresses their initial concerns. Or the number of years you’ve focused on elder law and estate planning. Or the fact that you have plenty of recommendations from former and existing clients. Or maybe, what you have to say is something they have never heard before and they find extreme value in it.

Once you and the allied professional have agreed that there is value in your working together, you may find yourself thinking along the following lines: “This is going well, the professional really likes me, I’m going to get plenty of work from this person.”

Hold on. Remember, your goal isn’t just to have nice meetings. You want meetings that generate revenue. You need to know that this particular professional is someone you’re comfortable working with and a person who has the potential to actually deliver revenue-producing clients to you. In order to know that, you need to ask the right questions. We’ll cover the types of questions you need to ask in our next email.


Building Profitable Referral Relationships: With Whom Should You Meet?

Referral-relationshipsSimply put, you want to meet with professionals that service your market in a different way than you do and whose clients (or patients) can benefit from your services.

So where do you find these professionals? Your sources can be broken down into four categories: institutions such as hospitals and hospices; wholesalers like brokerage houses, insurance companies, and banks; agencies such as nursing homes, RCILs, and ARCs; and advisors, including financial advisors, insurance representatives, accountants, and tax preparers.

It can be helpful to think of these four categories as a funnel, with institutions and wholesalers at the top, agencies and advisors in the middle of the funnel, and their clients (or patients) at the bottom of the funnel, ready to flow into your firm as prospective clients.

Now that we know the institutions, wholesalers, agencies, and advisors with whom you want to meet, let’s look at how to get started on the right foot with them and how to clearly understand your value proposition. We’ll cover that next time.

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Understanding a Veteran with PTSD

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This time of year, we remember with gratitude the many joys that our families, friends, clients, and neighbors have brought us, and we especially remember the sacrifices of those who have served our country. The Outreach Team at Maryville University has asked us to share this article with you, so that as attorneys, we might have a heightened understanding regarding the challenges that so many veterans face.

– Article courtesy of Maryville University.  See the original article here:

Servicemen and women oftentimes face unique challenges when leaving active duty and readjusting to civilian life.

As explained by U.S. Veterans Magazine, these challenges include

  • discovering ways to re-establish their roles within the family,
  • having to find and obtain a civilian job (sometimes for the first time ever, such as when enlisting after graduating from high school),
  • and adjusting to a life that involves making their own choices versus being told what to do, how to do it, and when.

However, sometimes soldiers also return home with challenges related to their mental wellbeing as a result of what they’ve witnessed while on active duty. And one of the most common mental challenges is post-traumatic stress disorder (commonly known as PTSD).

PTSD and the Military

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) explains that PTSD is “a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.” In the case of military personnel specifically, these types of events typically occur during times of war when soldiers find themselves face-to-face with not only their own mortality, but that of their fellow comrades as well.

In fact, PTSD is more common for military personnel than for the general population. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 7 to 8 percent of the population will experience PTSD at some time in their lives. Yet, this rate is much higher for military veterans, and the exact amount depends largely on which conflict they endured.

For instance, those serving in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom have somewhere between an 11 and 20 percent chance of developing PTSD. However, it is estimated that approximately 30 percent of Vietnam War veterans developed or will develop this particular mental health condition. So, what is it like for veterans who are living with PTSD?

Living with PTSD

The NIMH says that individuals suffering from PTSD often have flashbacks of the traumatic event, bad dreams, and other frightening thoughts. They may also develop avoidance symptoms whereby they purposely stay away from anything that reminds them of the experience. This can mean avoiding certain places and objects that serve as a reminder of what they’ve experienced.

With PTSD also often comes what the NIMH refers to as arousal and reactivity symptoms. These include being easily startled, feeling on edge, and displaying angry outbursts. Trouble sleeping is also common with PTSD. According to the National Sleep Foundation, this is generally due to the individual feeling like they need to be alert, which is a result of the anxiety that sometimes comes with the nighttime and subsequent darkness, or the nightmares the person seeks to avoid.

Veterans with PTSD may notice cognitive and mood changes as well. For instance, they may find it difficult to remember the entire traumatic event or feel guilt associated with their part in it. Sometimes, they have negative feelings toward themselves or the world at large, or they lose interest in activities they used to enjoy.

These are all trademarks of PTSD and all of these types of responses must be present on some level for a professional to render a diagnosis. But why do some military personnel develop PTSD where others don’t, even if they’ve witnessed the exact same event?

PTSD Risk Factors

Many studies have been conducted on this very topic. One meta-analysis published in PLOS One reports that after reviewing 32 different pieces of research (21 retrospective studies, 4 prospective studies, and 7 cross-sectional studies), there are many factors that stand out as strong predictors of whether or not combat-involved military personnel will develop PTSD.

They include:

  • Previous exposure to adverse life events: Being exposed to troubling life experiences (such as sexual abuse or assault) prior to joining the military can increase the risk of PTSD, partially because the event’s negative impact creates other psychological issues.
  • Witnessing injury or death: If a servicemember witnesses an injury or death, or discharged his or her weapon during active duty, there is a higher risk of developing PTSD than a servicemember who has not experienced these circumstances.
  • Various military characteristics: Military rank and occupation, branch of service, length and number of deployments have all been found to contribute to PTSD risk, because each factor determines how likely it is the soldier will be part of active combat.
  • Deployment stressors: Being exposed to excessive temperatures, a lack of privacy in the unit, and worrying about family can all increase a vet’s risk of PTSD.
  • Gender: Female veterans develop PTSD more often than their male counterparts, possibly due to reasons associated with being more susceptible to depression, experiencing less cohesion in the military unit, and being more sensitive to threats.
  • Race: Minorities have been found to be more susceptible to PTSD than non-minority military personnel. However, it’s unclear if this is because this demographic tends to have more of the other risk factors, or if they are assigned to military roles that see combat more often.
  • Level of education: The lower a serviceman or woman’s educational level, the higher the risk of PTSD, potentially due to not having learned effective coping skills or limited access to helpful resources.

PTSD and Post-Deployment Risks

PLOS One’s research also found that PTSD risk can rise after returning home and is often based on various post-deployment factors.

One factor is social support, and their study found that “a positive recovery environment after trauma exposure may serve as a protective factor” for PTSD. In other words, the more the servicemember’s family and friends are there to offer support after duty is complete, the less likely it is that PTSD will develop. That’s because this level of support gives the servicemember the self-reliance and self-security needed to fend off this condition.

Work status after employment is a potential risk factor as well. Specifically, if the veteran comes back and is unemployed, and therefore unable to provide financially for the family unit, this may instigate PTSD.

These types of situations can occur long after the combat ends, but they can still affect the soldier psychologically, making PTSD a threat even after returning home. Knowing all of this, how can you best help a veteran with PTSD?

Helping Veterans with PTSD

The first step involves educating yourself about how someone with PTSD typically reacts. According to the National Center for PTSD, a person with this mental health condition may appear angry, tense, or worried. They may also come across as numb, distant, or detached.

Veterans with PTSD may also be easily irritated, jumpy, or nervous, while being more demanding or protective at the same time. Intimacy issues are not uncommon with PTSD either.

All of these responses can affect family and friends, who may feel hurt, dejected, angry, or sad, especially if they don’t recognize these patterns as being normal reactions to PTSD. So, creating a positive response first requires that you understand these responses enough to know they are a normal way of dealing with this condition.

The second step is to get the veteran the outside help he or she needs. This may involve counseling-type therapy sessions (either one-on-one, group, or both), or even family therapy so the everyone involved can work through the PTSD together. In this case, it helps to find a professional who specializes in the disorder.

If possible, ask local military veterans for their recommendations. Alternatively, you can do an internet search. For instance, Psychology Today offers the ability to do a quick search based on your geographic location. Just enter your city or zip code and all local therapists with this specialty are provided. This site even provides other necessary information to help make a more informed decision as to whether to hire them, such as:

  • a brief bio, along with qualifications and credentials
  • specialties, issues covered, and treatment approaches
  • cost per session and insurance plans accepted
  • contact information for setting up an introductory meeting

VA Specific Services

The National Center for PTSD also offers The Guide to VA Mental Health Services for Veterans and Families, which shares the types of treatments that are available through Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and what happens when you request help.

For instance, for PTSD specifically, there are various medications that can sometimes help when treating depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and sleep disorders related to PTSD. There are also various talk therapies and residential care if long-term, intensive treatment is needed.

Eligibility for these types of services is based on a number of factors, but it generally involves completing active military service in one of the U.S. branches of military, being honorably discharged, or being a National Guard member or Reservist who served in a combat zone. If they determine that you qualify, you will likely be referred to a local VA facility for treatment to begin.

There are nearly 2,000 facilities, and you can use the online locator if you want to find the closest ones to you. Simply enter your location (either your full address or zip code), what type of facility you’re searching for, and how close the facility is (you can search based on a certain mile radius or request the 5, 10, or 25 closest centers to you). The results give you the facility name, its address and phone number, and how many miles it is from your home.

The Vet Center Program is one of the options available to any active or veteran military member who has served in a combat zone or area of hostility, has experienced military sexual trauma, or has provided emergent medical care or mortuary services. Services offered at these facilities include counseling, outreach and education, substance abuse assessment and referral, employment assessment and referral, explanation of VBA benefits, and screening and referral for other issues, such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) and depression.

The more you know about and understand PTSD, the easier it is to see the impact this condition can have on the military veteran individually and the family unit as a whole. Educating yourself about treatment options helps as well, and provides you with the tools you need to help yourself or a loved one overcome this sometimes debilitating condition.


Why It Is Worth the Time to Forge Relationships with Allied Professionals—Yes, You Can Develop Profitable Referrals!

ThinkstockPhotos-480331331To a large extent, your success is determined by how well you manage your leads and vital relationships, especially referral relationships with allied professionals. Unfortunately, forging and maintaining profitable referral relationships is one of the greatest challenges facing most law firms.

In the coming weeks, we’re going to discuss proven strategies for building a strong referral network. We’ll talk about how to get started on the right foot, the questions you need to ask to qualify your referral sources and properly set expectations, how to track your results, and more.

At the very least, we hope these emails help you understand the importance of the following two concepts:

Contrary to what some potential referral sources would have you believe, your value is not in the referrals you send back. Your value goes far beyond that.

Your goal is not simply to have good meetings with allied professionals. Rather, your goal is to turn meetings into revenue.

Logically enough, building profitable relationships with allied professionals begins with knowing precisely which professionals you should be meeting with. We’ll talk about that next time.


Use the Proper Software and System to Build a More Efficient Team

ThinkstockPhotos-200342113-001Using state-of-the-art software within an effective system allows you to build a highly efficient team and firm. Each workflow is comprised of a series of steps with a defined set of tasks to be completed at each step. Many of the steps are designed to do things automatically, like assign tasks to staff, send emails to update your clients on progress, and much more. Your staff can easily see the work assigned to them and what they need to do next, while you get a crystal clear picture of the workflow throughout your whole firm. You will see every matter’s progress, who is working on what, the steps that need to be taken next, and what might be holding things up. Armed with information like this, you’ll be able to better hold members of your team accountable and improve overall efficiency.

As we have seen, leading-edge software allows you to generate accurate, customized planning documents following a single client interview. Over time, and with proper training, you may even be able to turn this task over to a paralegal. And in the process, free up more time to pursue new clients and generate new revenue, or to simply work less and live more. The possibilities are limited only by your priorities.