
The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team #2 – Fear Of Conflict


“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky

In our last blog post we introduced “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni. We discussed Dysfunction #1, Lack of Trust. Today we will talk about Dysfunction #2, Fear of Conflict.

Is conflict ever positive? Teams that engage in productive conflict know that the purpose is to produce the best possible solution in the shortest period of time. Are people holding back? Are people on your team choosing their battles?

Teams that fear conflict:

  1. Have boring meetings
  2. Create environments where back-channel politics and personal attacks thrive
  3. Ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success
  4. Fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team members
  5. Waste time and energy with posturing and interpersonal risk management

Teams that engage in conflict:

  1. Have lively, interesting meetings
  2. Extract and explore the ideas of all team members
  3. Solve real problems quickly
  4. Minimize politics
  5. Put critical topics on the table for discussion

I recently conducted an annual review with one of our key LWP team leaders, and we were talking about her growth over the past year. She made tremendous progress in her ability to take a stand and speak the truth, often with a fair amount of angst. We celebrated her willingness to “use her voice” in our company. She started laughing and said, “The first few meetings I was stunned; I used to go home and tell my husband, the team meetings are worse than any dysfunctional family supper table!”

This was an enormous personal victory; it meant we were on the right track. The health of any great company is solely dependent on its willingness to embrace “truth telling.” When a team is willing to truthfully engage in conflict with passion and forcefulness while having the sole intention of producing the best possible resolution, it will ALWAYS produce a strong game plan with the least amount of resistance, blame and pain.

One suggestion for overcoming fear of conflict is to extract buried disagreements within the team and shine the light of day on them. Another is to grant real-time permission to discuss what’s not working in the moment while allowing team members to coach one another not to retreat from healthy debate. Get comfortable with the idea that conflict always leads to growth.

We fool ourselves when our mantra is “avoid conflict at all cost. Put your head down and keep your mouth shut.” Conflict can never really be avoided. When we are unwilling to have the heated conversations and keep it all together, the conflict is really just in “silent stereo.” That means you never truly know the core reasons why you were not able to produce X or why so and so really quit. Trying to avoid conflict guarantees that the hidden conflicts will absolutely multiply while creating a team of snarling, wounded sufferers. The heart wrenching part is the stifling of creativity, production and excitement for the future, the thick air of lost hope.

What type of team are you leading: one of conflict crusaders or conflict avoiders?

Are you interested in knowing more about Lawyers With Purpose? If so, then come see what we are all about. Join us September 12-13 in Phoenix AZ, for our Asset Protection, Medicaid and VA Summit. Register now and take advantage of our early bird pricing.

The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team #1 – The Absence of Trust

Build a resilient, effective team — and give your firm the ultimate marketplace advantage. In principle, teamwork is simple. Most of us already know what it requires. But in practice, teamwork is difficult. Building a team is a process, one that requires significant levels of discipline, bravery, and tenacity.
For a team to be truly effective, it must overcome the five dysfunctions outlined by Patrick Lencioni in his best-selling book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.”

Since its publication in 2002, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” has become the world’s definitive source of practical information for developing teams. Building on Lencioni’s principles, the Five Dysfunctions program helps team members and leaders function more effectively so their teams can achieve their full potential.

Let’s define the ways a team can be dysfunctional. The below pyramid illustrates when you start to feel that things are out of whack, and serves as a barometer and a foundation/north star for your team. This is your eternal, internal growth track – at many points you will find your team on one of the layers of the pyramid, and identifying where you stand can help you avoid personal, emotional or drama issues in many situations.

This Five Dysfunctions of a Team Assessment provides leaders with an opportunity to explore and overcome the pitfalls that sidetrack teams. The assessment gives the team members a sense of their team’s unique strengths and areas for improvement in each of five key fundamentals for developing a cohesive and productive team: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results.

The assessment also gives team members a sense of their team’s unique strengths and areas for improvement, based on the Five Dysfunctions model. It’s a tool that evaluates the team’s current rank based on the five fundamentals so members can decide what improvements are necessary for becoming a higher-performing team.
The assessment can also be used as a benchmark by taking a team through the program, allowing them time to practice the skills, and then having them take a post-assessment to evaluate the change.

Dysfunction #1 – The Absence of TRUST
Members of great teams trust one another on a fundamental, emotional level, and they are comfortable being vulnerable with each other about their weaknesses, mistakes, fears, and behaviors.

The late Stephen Covey of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” says: “It simply makes no difference how good the rhetoric is or even how good the intentions are; if there is little or no trust, there is no foundation for permanent success.”

What is Trust?

In the context of team building, trust is the confidence among team members that their peers’ intentions are good, and that there is no reason to be careful around the group. Think of two people: one that you trust and the other that you don’t. If ONE team member has a problem trusting another, the ENTIRE team is affected. Whatever “she said,” people don’t comment on, because if someone did, “she” would defend herself and it would become very confrontational and create office “drama.” But the health of any organization is the willingness to have the healthy debates.

Members of teams with an absence of trust…

1. Conceal their weaknesses and mistakes from one another
2. Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback
3. Hesitate to offer help outside their own areas of responsibility
4. Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them
5. Fail to recognize and tap into one another’s skills and experiences
6. Waste time and energy managing their behaviors for effect
7. Hold grudges
8. Dread meetings

This can show up in these ways:

1. Team is worried about being honest because you will tell the boss
2. Team won’t answer honestly because another team member will hear and talk about them
3. Team doesn’t believe another team member has the best of the firm at heart

Members of trusting teams . . .

1. Admit weakness and mistakes
2. Ask for help
3. Accept questions and input about their areas of responsibility
4. Give one another the benefit of the doubt before arriving to a negative conclusion
5. Take risks in offering feedback and assistance
6. Appreciate and tap into one another’s skills and experiences
7. Focus time and energy on important issues, not politics
8. Offer and accept apologies without hesitation
9. Look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group

In my next blog I will be talking about Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict. Follow along and make sure you’re subscribed to our blog (using the yellow box on the right).

If you are not a member of Lawyers With Purpose, and want to know more about VA Benefits and Medicaid, join us at the Asset Protection, Medicaid and VA Summit September 12-13 in Phoenix, AZ. Seats are quickly filling up. We have limited space so register now if you’re even thinking about joining us.


Last Chance For Early Bird Pricing For The LWP 2013 Member Enhancement Retreat


From high school, to college, to law school graduation you've always had an image of how life would be. Are you living your dream of being an attorney with a thriving practice? Ask yourself … are you living the life you had always imagined?

Right now in your life you are probably a father or mother, husband or wife, hard working and trying to make a difference in the lives of your clients, an influential board member, a soccer coach, But maybe there is a side of you that has been tucked away because the dream you once had is not in sync with who you are now. Maybe you are living the dream you had for your career but something is missing … a dream of traveling more, a dream of fixing up an old Mustang, or possibly a dream of operating a practice where you aren't working 80 hours a week.

Well no more tucking them away, no more excuses about your dream not fitting into your current lifestyle. Start making room in your life for“want-to's” and less “have-to's.” If you want more then attend the Lawyers With Purpose Annual Member Practice Enhancement Retreat, and declare and commit to making it happen. Make the time to accomplish your goals and dreams.

Giving the Process your Purpose and Personality – from Paper to Practice

Early Bird Pricing Ends TODAY, Friday July 18th! You took the program, you implemented, now bring it all together and make it your own!

In 3 days walk away with:

  • A firm-created and defined autonomous plan for 2014. When you walk back in your office door, you'll know exactly what needs to occur each and every day.
  • A deeper understanding of your firm personal story and purpose. Your community will want to work with you – and your team will be striving to make it happen.
  • Make the LWP process your own. Everyone understands the purpose, how our firm story ties into each step, and how to make it sovereign.
  • A specific step-by-step to lead Your Organization in the Right Direction. There was a time when strategic planning was done only by the largest companies. Now it is simply a requirement for all business to survive. Business leaders must be constantly looking ahead, anticipating change, and developing a strategy to proactively and successfully navigate through today's marketplace. Without strategic planning, businesses simply drift, and are always reacting to the pressure of the day.

LWP Members – Invest in Yourself by TODAY and receive these additional benefits:

  • A $500 Firm Discount for EARLY BIRD Registration and an option to pay over 6 months (Ends Today – Friday, July 19th)
  • Entry into a drawing to win a DocuBank subscription.
  • Entry for a drawing to win a personalized crafted attorney/staff bio (a $250 value).

Register now, block out your calendars, and make your plane reservations.

Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center
Room Rate: $132.00/Single – $142.00/Double – $152.00/Triple & Quad
Group Rate Cut Off Date: 5:00 pm October 7, 2013
Reservations: 315-475-3000

The hotel WILL sell out. It does every year. If you're coming, register now


What Would Be In Your Time Capsule?


We have all done it at one time in our life. Maybe it was high school, or when our children were born, or maybe when we got married – but have you ever done it for your career or business? That is an interesting question! A time capsule is appropriate for every angle of your life, and creating one for your business can help you clarify your priorities and goals.

So what would be in your business time capsule? Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

(1) Decide the purpose of your time capsule. One way to do this is to consider who you would like your audience to be. Would you like to open the time capsule yourself? Would you like to share it? Would you like your message to last far into the future?

(2) Decide where you will store your time capsule. Although you may have done it before, burial may not be the best choice. Think of locations within your home or office.

(3) Select a container. If you store it inside, at home or at the office, then a shoebox, bin, or even an old suitcase might be quite adequate.Collect the objects to go in your time capsule. Who will open your time capsule, and what would you like to tell them? Have fun with this step! Choose things that reflect the spirit of the present. What is unique about today, about your practice, about you? Some items to consider:

  • Newspaper or magazine articles showing current trends and/or events
  • Personal messages to and from others
  • List of life goals and how you impact the world as it is today
  • Photographs
  • Any material items you want to share with the future
  • If you wish, write and enclose your own description of what it is like to live right now. Tell your future audience about daily life. Talk about ordinary day-to-day activities and anything else you would like to share.

(4) Do something to remind yourself or others of the location of the time capsule and the date you intend it to be opened.

(5) Seal the time capsule to your satisfaction and store it for the selected amount of time.

When thinking of your practice, what would be in your time capsule for just one year? What message would you leave for yourself and your team? What would be your revenue goals? Would you hold yourself accountable for what you put in your time capsule for just one year?

If you are not an LWP Member and interested in learning more about what Lawyers With Purpose has to offer your estate planning practice, join us in Phoenix, AZ, for our Asset Protection, Medicaid and VA Summit, September 12-13th. Click here to register for our two day event. Roslyn Drotar, Implementation Coach, Lawyers With Purpose

A Simple Plan For YOUR Best Year Ever

We get calls and emails every day that point out common challenges better than we ever could. Consider the following:

“At the end of the day it’s Max’s firm and he is going to do what he wants to do.”  

“I wanted to thank you for your support on yesterday’s call regarding my time template. And I also wanted to apologize for not providing more push-back, however, given Liz’s body language, that you could not see, it was not the right time to offer push-back. It has been my experience with this job that I must pick my battles thoughtfully. But it is a prime example of what I perceive to be certain ambivalence on Liz’s part regarding the LWP system. Don’t get me wrong though – I am completely committed to her, and if tomorrow she decides we are not doing the LWP process anymore then that’s what I have to do, even though I know the direct impact of ‘winging it’ day in and day out. However, since I believe our current firm objective is to implement this system, that is my objective as well.”

“Joe saw that my ‘To do’ list has a standing reminder for the weekly Team Forum and he asked me what was it about.  I told him it is a weekly forum to support team members on how to be leaders in their role. He said since this isn’t directly showing me how to implementing the LWP tools then it is worthless to attend it and a waste of my time. I tried to explain that it is not about legal technical ‘stuff’, just a way for us associates to come together and relate to each other about ideas and any questions we have. But he still said no. It’s just him and me in the office, no one else. The firm is very small but it would be nice to get a little appreciation sometime, that’s all. Is that too much to ask? I didn’t even get a Christmas card when Christmas came around. And I haven’t had a raise in 2 years and now I am being told I can’t attend something that is going to help me grow and directly impact the firm.”

This is about the time that we find most firms start to feel like they are running through quicksand – and they are not sure why. There are three constants with any business: Payroll is ALWAYS the biggest expense, employee management the biggest area of wasted time, and employee “issues” the biggest reason people quit or leave – and the most common way people lose confidence and energy.

The attorney not only wants – but depends on an entrapreneur, and gives all the signs, by body language and by not meeting deadlines, that they really want someone to lead. The team members just want everyone to do what they say and feel appreciated.

What they all want, in other words, is teamwork. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. And in my experience there is no better book than “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by consultant and speaker Patrick Lencioni for describing the many pitfalls that teams face as they seek to “row together.” This phenomenal book explores the fundamental causes of organizational politics and team failure. Over the next five blog posts I will be taking you through an extensive summary of the book, almost an x-ray for the true meaning of working as a team and the human element that exists. Among other areas, we will redefine the meaning of “dysfunction” and how it’s not a “bad” word but rather a vessel to identify places on your team to produce results and avoid “minor” issues that can become landmines if unaddressed and tolerated. Ultimately, you will come away with A Simple Plan for YOUR Best Year Ever.

If you would like to know more about Lawyers With Purpose and how we can support you with building an elder law practice focused on asset protection, Medicaid and VA planning click here for more information on our legal technical summit September 12-13 in Phoenix, AZ. Seats are filling fast and we have limited space so register now if your even considering this opportunity!

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


Our 2013 LWP Member Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat


Giving the Process your Purpose and Personality – from Paper to Practice

We took the program, we've implemented, now bring this all together and make it our own!

It's hard to believe there are only 5 months remaining in the "New Year." With the 4th of July past us, many people start their summer decompression. And once Labor Day turns the corner we are fast and furious into the holidays and then into the year-end wrap up. Where does the time GO??! We were going to do X, Y and possibly Z but…

Unfortunately, sometimes we talk…but we just don't plan. Sometimes we plan but we don't pick the path. If every business owner were to achieve everything they've declared they're going to do, we would have a bazillion fulfilled entrepreneurs, team and clients.

Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League once said, "Plan your work and work your plan."

Victor Hugo, the author of Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame said:

"He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign."

In just 3 days walk away with:

  • A firm-created and defined autonomous plan for 2014. When you walk back in your office door, you'll know exactly what needs to occur each and every day.
  • A deeper understanding of your firm personal story and purpose. Your community will want to work with you – and your team will be striving to make it happen.
  • Make the LWP process your own. Everyone understands the purpose, how our firm story ties into each step, and how to make it sovereign.
  • A specific step-by-step to lead Your Organization in the Right Direction. There was a time when strategic planning was done only by the largest companies.

Now it is simply a requirement for all business to survive. Business leaders must be constantly looking ahead, anticipating change, and developing a strategy to proactively and successfully navigate through today's marketplace. Without strategic planning, businesses simply drift, and are always reacting to the pressure of the day.

Invest in Yourself by Friday July 19th and Receive these Additional Benefits:

  • A $500 Firm Discount for EARLY BIRD Registration and an option to pay over 6 months (Ends July 19th)
  • Entry into a drawing to win a DocuBank subscription.
  • Entry for a drawing to win a personalized crafted attorney/staff bio (a $250 value).

Register now, block out your calendars, and make your plane reservations.

LWP Members Only – Click Here Now to Reserve Your Space!

Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center
Room Rate: $132.00/Single – $142.00/Double – $152.00/Triple & Quad
Group Rate Cut Off Date: 5:00 pm October 7, 2013
Reservations: (315) 475-3000

The event Hotel WILL sell out, it has every year so don't "wait and see" and take a chance. "But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign."


Congratulations Kevin Pillion & Team – July Member of The Month


What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP?

Using LWP’s software and systems has empowered us to do a better job in our initial consultations.  We have seen a rise in client satisfaction and closed business.  We are believers of the client-centered approach developed by LWP for practicing elder law.

What is your favorite LWP tool?

We are new to LWP and still learning about all of the available tools.  The “LWP Planning Options” and “LWP Funding Roadmap” flowcharts are high on our list because they’re visual tools, enabling us to more easily communicate with our clients about estate planning, asset protection and public benefits planning. 

How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice?

LWP has boosted our confidence and productivity, resulting in greater client satisfaction and higher revenues for our firm.  Like Neo did in the renowned film “The Matrix,” we swallowed the pill and are on our way to freeing ourselves from the traditional practice of law and providing our clients with better-quality service.


15 Steps to Failing Forward Series – Steps #1 & #2


"We are all failures – at least, all the best of us." ~ J.M. Barrie

What makes some people fail, while others succeed? How come everything some people touch turns to gold, while others fail time and time again? And what causes them to keep trying and not give up?

Let's look at stepping stones #1 and #2:

#1 – Realize there is one major difference between average people and achieving people.

John Maxwell explains that the difference between average and achieving people is solely in their mindset. He says in his book that the difference between average people and people who are achievers is how they respond to failure. People typically live their lives preparing for success, when they should actually be preparing themselves for failure. They should be learning what they are going to do with it and how they are going to react to it. I love the question Maxwell brings to the conversation: “If the possibility of failure were erased, what would you attempt to achieve?” Pause. Take a moment. What are you thinking?

Whatever obstacles you may be hitting in your personal and professional life don't really matter at all. What does matter is that you can absolutely handle it. And more importantly, how you handle it will be the difference between someone who gives up and someone who presses on (fails forward). It's the difference between quitting and giving up on your goals and dreams, or persevering and moving forward.

“The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.” ~ Nelson Boswell

#2 – Get a new definition of failure and success.

This chapter starts off with one of my favorite analogies in the entire book. Maxwell talks about a baseball player who steps up to the plate and makes an out – the 5,113th out of his professional career. Earlier in the game, however, the player had reached another major milestone in his career, one that only 21 other people in the history of baseball have ever achieved. He got his 3,000 hit! Wow!

That player, Tony Gwynn of the San Diego Padres, was one of the best baseball players ever to play, yet he averaged an out (FAILED) two out of every three times at the plate. When you look at it that way, it puts a different twist on the definition of failure.

Maxwell defines what failure is NOT in what he calls his Rules for Being Human:

Rule #1 – You will learn a lesson.

Rule #2 – There are no mistakes – only lessons.

Rule #3 – A lesson is repeated until it is learned.

Rule #4 – If you don't learn the easy lessons, they get harder.

Rule #5 – You'll know you've learned a lesson when your actions change.

Maxwell closes the chapter by stating that what you gain by making mistakes is the benefit of thinking differently. He tells the reader – he gives them permission – to set the standard to make a mistake quota when setting out on your next project, assignment, task, etc. Mistakes are part of the journey, a price you pay along the way to success.

If you are not currently an LWP member, and have considered – or are interested in discovering what we offer for asset protection, Medicaid & VA click here for information on our two day summit in Phoenix, AZ. Seats are limited and the last event sold out in less than one week!

Continue to follow along for the remaining 13 steps from Failing Forward.

Roslyn Drotar, Implementation Coach, Lawyers With Purpose


Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Found Unconstitutional By 5-4


Over 1,000 federal laws are affected by marital or spousal status. Estate and Elder Care attorneys are regularly asked questions about a person or a couple’s rights regarding Social Security benefits, housing, taxes, health care, domestic support, bankruptcy, Medicaid, and VA benefits. The advice by counsel usually depends, and may differ, on whether the client is married or single.

On June 26, 2013, the United States Supreme Court held that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates the guarantee of equal protection as applied to the Federal Government through the Fifth Amendment of our Constitution. Specifically, DOMA defined marriage as that between one man and one woman, and defined spouse as a marriage between people of opposite sex. However, the definition as detailed in DOMA did not restrict individual states from permitting same sex marriages or civil unions.

This, herein, lies the problem. States can permit or deny marriage to same sex couples. But, when a state decides to allow same sex marriage, DOMA then prohibited those couples from enjoying the same federal benefits as other married couples within that state. The case that led to the Supreme Court case was about a lesbian couple that had been together since 1963. They got married in Canada in 2007, which the state of New York recognized as a valid marriage. When one of them died in 2009, her estate incurred an estate tax liability of over $300,000 because she and her wife could not exercise their rights under the marital deductions afforded to other married individuals.

The ruling of the Supreme Court mandates that when a state recognizes the marriage of two people of the same sex, the federal government must as well, affording all the same government benefits to the spouse. One of the complicating factors going forward will be the fact that some federal laws respect the state where the marriage occurred, while other federal laws respect the state where the married couple lives. For example, the Veterans Administration will consider the marriage valid if the state where the marriage occurred recognizes it as valid. Thus, if my partner and I got married in New York, where marriages are valid, and then moved to Georgia, where same sex marriages are not valid, my spouse should be able to receive Veterans Benefits. However, because Georgia does not recognize same sex marriages, my spouse would still not realize any housing, inheritance, or tax benefits due to our status as residents of Georgia.

Moreover, we must be aware that although the Supreme Court determined that Section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional, it did not make a ruling as to Section 2 of DOMA. Section 2 allows states to refuse to recognize same sex marriages performed under the laws of other states. Until this provision is challenged and ruled upon by the Supreme Court, one state can continue to deny marital rights even when the couple received a valid marriage in another state.

This affects so many Americans, to include me personally. My partner and I have been together for 16 years and had a commitment ceremony in Georgia 10 years ago. In Georgia, the ceremony means nothing, legally. I was ecstatic to hear the Court’s ruling. Given Jennifer and I already have plans of spending our 10 year anniversary in New York in July this year, I immediately began planning for us to get married, legally, in New York while we are there. But, then I thought, will it have any bearing whatsoever? Not in Georgia. But, since I am a veteran, Jennifer may receive VA benefits someday. Also, like the plaintiff in United States v. Windsor, Jennifer and I may be a good “facts” case to challenge the Georgia laws, when the climate is right. For three years now, Jennifer has been a stay at home mother while I work to support us and our three year old twins. For income tax purposes, it is generally better to file as married when there is a large disparity between the two household incomes. We don’t currently get to take advantage of that. I could go on and on about the current and potential disparities the law creates due to the discriminatory differences between married couples and those not permitted to get married.

Nonetheless, JUNE 26, 2013 is a day to be remembered in history for equality. As lawyers, be prepared to answer, in your state, how the repeal of Section 3 of DOMA benefits your clients, or doesn’t. Also, you can expect Lawyers with Purpose to include these topics of discussion in our future training events.

Victoria L. Collier, Certified Elder Law Attorney, Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, Veteran of the U.S.A.F. and author of 47 Secret Veterans’ Benefits for Seniors…Benefits You Have Earned but Don’t Know About, and co-author of Getting to Baby: Creating Your Family Faster, Easier and Less Expensive through Fertility, Adoption, or Surrogacy.

Happy Father ‘ s Day

Your are so simply called … “Dad” Such a small word with so much purpose. You fill them with love, self esteem and you make them feel safe. You provide leadership and guidance. At times this all seems to go unnoticed but as the years go on and they grow a little each day, they eventually realize how profound and important you truly are. Never forget that. Happy Father's Day from Lawyers With Purpose.

© Karen K. Boyer

He never looks for praises
He's never one to boast
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most
His dreams are seldom spoken
His wants are very few
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken too
He's there…. A firm foundation
Through all our storms of life
A sturdy hand to hold to
In times of stress and strife
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.

Tell us….what meaningful lesson has your Dad taught you? Comment below and share. We'd love to hear!

Roslyn Drotar, Implementation Coach, Lawyers With Purpose