Your Legal Hour – December 9, 2013

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This week's topic is Who Should Consider Medicaid Planning? Determining Eligibility or Excess Spend Down.

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December Member Of The Month – Jeff Bellomo


What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP?

The greatest success that I've had since joining LWP is the fact that I now own a business rather than a job.

Before I joined LWP I was working seven days a week and every evening. I now realize with the assistance of LWP and the LWP tools (the weekly, daily, and monthly planning as well as the time templates) that I can be in control of my schedule and not allow the client to be in control of it. Now, I pride myself that I only work one night a week and spend quality time with my family.

Also, I have implemented the maintenance program which is taking another step towards having a saleable practice as opposed to a job that if I was no longer there the business would not be able to sustain itself.

What is your favorite LWP tool?

My favorite LWP tools are the LWP audit and the vision clarifier. The audit and clarifier allow me to ensure that I am enrolling the client rather than selling the client any product or service. I have gotten great feedback from clients after the vision meeting that they feel like their voices are heard and that I am doing what is best for them and their family and not what is best for my pocket. Clients tell me that our process in the vision meeting is very different than other attorneys. The tools allow the client to be in control of the process and know upfront what the plans will do and also what the cost is. I believe that the audit and clarifier are the two most important tools that I use in that they have increased my business the most.

How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice?

LWP has impacted my practice in more ways than I could possibly express. I joined LWP with one team member and the team has now grown to a team of six and growing in only three years. I never could have imagined that the team would grow and that my enjoyment of practice and the law would grow as well. The systems and processes of LWP enable me the ability to grow but at the same time ensure that the quality and the brand of our firm is not compromised. There is nothing like The LWP community. Each and every year we look forward to the retreat and opportunities to be with the other members of the LWP community. The bonds that we have grown as well as the knowledge that we have gained is immeasurable.

Not Exactly As Planned

Last week I wrote about how thankful I was to be able to spend Thanksgiving in Myrtle Beach with my family. I had been traveling so much lately and really needed to spend quality time with my children and get some rest.

We drove eight hours (for a five-and-a-half hour trip) and happily checked into the resort at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, ready to get out of the car. We spent a quiet evening as planned. The next day we went to the clubhouse and played bingo, winning three out of five prizes. My children are a little competitive. Then we went swimming at the indoor pool. A great time was had by all. We had the next three days planned out as well.

But, while I was making dinner Sunday night, Katherine was helping, like she usually does. However, she was in a strange kitchen and standing on an unfamiliar chair. She slipped. To catch herself, she instinctively put her hand down on the red-hot flat-top electric stove. A trip to the emergency room ensued, which was followed by hastily packing up the car (to include $130 worth of groceries we had just purchased that morning) and heading back to Atlanta so we could be at the burn center by 8:00 a.m. Monday.

From time of incident to pulling away toward home, it was only four hours and 15 minutes.

Today I am thankful for different reasons. You can likely guess what they are so I won’t belabor the point. However, I will take you back to my original post of last week with the tips I left for you. Despite not having any sleep Sunday night and being at the burn center most of Monday, I still accomplished my goals. I spent quality time with my family, I got some rest, and I reflected on my past and created my future for three current businesses and one new venture. Additionally, because I returned home early, I was able to check off some much-needed “to do” list items at the house (purging children's toys to make room for the new ones next month).

In times of crisis, there are lessons to be learned and thanks to be expressed. Now and always I am thankful for my health, high energy and ability to see the forest for the trees.

Victoria L. Collier is a Veteran and Certified Elder Law Attorney, Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Co-Founder of Lawyers With Purpose LLC, and author of “47 Secret Veterans’ Benefits for Seniors—Benefits You Have Earned … but Don’t Know About.

Your Legal Hour – December 2, 2013

Welcome to Your Legal Hour!

This week's topic is Who Should Consider Medicaid Planning? Learn and Identify the Rules (Part 2). Need to get caught up? Click Here for Part 1 of this Series.

Questions about the materials presented? Contact us at

Supporting Materials from Prior Sessions


Thank You


As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, it reminds me of what I was taught as a young child, that November is a month when we reflect upon all of the things we are thankful for, and December begins the period of giving and sharing our time, talent and treasure. As I reflect back over the past year and prepare for this big feast of turkey and lasagna (can’t get away from it), I know that first and foremost I am thankful for God and the blessings he has provided to me. While maybe not politically correct to say so in a blog, I feel compelled to share that it is so nice that, no matter what hits me during the year and no matter who is challenging me, I never feel alone. This is a great time of year for those of you who have a relationship with a higher being to re-establish it, rekindle it and perhaps derive the benefits obtained from it.

The next thing I am most grateful for is my family. Having been married for 23 years to the same beautiful woman and having three children who never cease to amaze me, it is so rewarding to always know that I am loved no matter how bad I’m behaving or how much I may have to work in a particular week. With them and our extended family, there's so much treasure in past history and traditions that we are able to share, and that brings true joy to life.

Perhaps though, it is a triple bonus that I have so much thanks for the people I work with. Having the joy of working with Molly Hall and Victoria Collier as my partners in Lawyers With Purpose has been a blessing rarely achieved. Not only are Molly and Victoria so giving of themselves to me and our great staff, but also to the members we serve. I would not be half the person I am without them constantly reminding me of integrity, kindness and joy.

Continuing, my thanks would be incomplete without including the others I work with. As I was reading the Facebook post of one of our co-workers celebrating how much they enjoy working with us, I felt compelled to reply that the pleasure of working with LWP is a function of the people who are there, including the author of the Facebook comment. What a great joy to work with people you like, admire and respect. We are blessed to have a group of people who are so committed to having an impact on not only the legal community we serve, but also the legal estate planning community overall, not just for the purpose of benefiting themselves, but ultimately for the clients who all of us serve every day.

Finally, but not last and absolutely not least, I am so thankful for our members, who consistently trust us to help them grow their businesses, get balance in their personal lives and continue to strive to create the best strategies for the seniors and families that we serve. It is a little piece of heaven on earth to know that, because of Lawyers With Purpose, seniors who are at a very fragile time in their lives don't have to face it alone and in fear.

So as you go into this Thanksgiving holiday, take the time to thank those who have been important to you over this past year, and consider sharing your gifts and talents to make the lives of others just a wee bit better, if only for the moment of your interaction. And if you believe in God, or something similar, take a moment to reconnect and give thanks for the many blessings you have. Thank you for your patronage and I look forward to having a meaningful impact on the communities we serve, together. Happy Thanksgiving.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder of MPS, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


Power Of The Pause


Whether it's the dark and cold rolling in or the approaching of turkey day, this time of year always tends to slow people down as we come to the busiest time of the year. Blogs and social posts are consumed with gratitude this time of year, with their 30-day gratitude challenges and themes of Thanksgiving. At LWP we are joyfully hopping on the bandwagon. In preparation for our customary Thanksgiving blog, I started thinking about what I am most grateful for, and it came to me as powerfully as a Tibetan bell at 5:45 a.m. on the way to yoga.

For me, all roads to abundance that I have created in my life stem from the power of the pause, i.e. self-care. And that, for me, is my daily yoga practice. It really got me thinking about all the things I am so deeply, deeply grateful for in my life.

To name a few:

  1. My unconditionally loving family.
  2. Laney and all our accomplishments, including publishing a book and starting on the path of writing our second book, a follow-up to "Don’t Be a Yes Chick!"
  3. Dave and Victoria and the remarkable partnership that allows each of us to not only be the best version of ourselves but also to make an enormous impact on so many lives.
  4. All the deep friendships I have in this life, each of which is nothing short of truly authentic.
  5. The amazing LWP team and the unified mission we are all on, ensuring that work often doesn’t feel like work.

But to be completely honest, none of these gifts would be as rich or deeply fulfilling for any of the beneficiaries without my intentional prep work, daily. My unwavering commitment to make self-care a priority allows me to intentionally fuel my mind, body and heart by committing to my daily yoga practice. It’s really easy to trick ourselves into thinking that this can be selfish or that those 90 minutes a day could instead be quality “productive” time, be it catching up on strategic work, making calls, spending time with the kids, investing in future growth projects, etc. But the brutal truth of the matter is, if I DON’T invest in me first, in my daily creed, everybody else loses because I am not fully present and my fuse is short. Come Friday I am running on fumes, and by the time I leave work physically, there is very little left of me to give to my family over the weekend if I don't take the time to pause and put on my oxygen mask during the week.

At the end of the day, if I get really quiet and list that for which I am most grateful, it’s my daily yoga practice. Anchoring to this reminds me that it is not a luxury “if time permits,” it’s the most important ingredient that allows me to keep gratitude, connection, patience, focus, authentic relationships and an enormous level of joy in my life consistently, well after the holiday blogs, parties, cards and gifts stop. And everybody wins. That is the beauty of gratitude – it's not really all about us having appreciation. For me it is the necessity to be able to give, receive and make a lasting impact.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


Thanksgiving Gratitude


Two years ago on Veterans Day, I moved into my new house, designed and built just the way I wanted. I had never before hosted Thanksgiving at my house. When I was growing up in Houston, that was my mother’s joy – hosting the big feast. Since my sister lives in Georgia, to where my entire immediate family gravitated, she assumed the role. Until 2011. My boxes were not even unpacked (just stored out of sight). But, I was finally in my new house with my 1-year-old twins and spouse, and I wanted to show off my turkey!

This year my sister’s daughter has a new house and a 2-year-old child, and she wants to be the star of the show. She and my sister are having turf wars. I am staying out of it.

I am thankful for the opportunity and ability to be in Myrtle Beach for the entire week, spending a quiet week with my family, good books and good sleep. While I could list all the things for which I am thankful, I will spare you my personal details. Instead, I would rather share something you might find useful in the event you grow tired of football and pumpkin pie.

In addition to taking long walks on the beach, chasing my 3-year-olds and picking up shells, I will be spending the week reviewing what worked well in my life over the past one to three years, what didn’t turn out as I had planned and how I would like to see and create the next three years. It is when the mind and body are at rest that these insights can surface. It is when we are feeling thankful for what we have that we can clearly identify and receive more of what we desire.

What do you desire? How will you spend Thanksgiving? I would love for you to share what you are most thankful for or how you plan to spend your time.

Victoria L. Collier is a Veteran and Certified Elder Law Attorney, Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Co-Founder of Lawyers With Purpose LLC, and author of “47 Secret Veterans’ Benefits for Seniors—Benefits You Have Earned … but Don’t Know About.”


It’s Never Enough


When I hear, “Thank you for your service,” I appreciate those who express it, but I also feel that the six years on active duty during Desert Storm and three years in the reserves during Iraq were not enough. I served, but I was not involved in combat. Nevertheless, I am still a veteran! My service made a difference to our nation. Still, I don’t feel I gave as much as our heroes of WWII, Korea and Vietnam, or the service members still involved today.

Although “Thank You” feels like an inadequate expression of gratitude, I am extremely thankful for the unyielding commitment and sacrifices that our Veterans have made. Sacrificing life, family, education, employment and more.

As people age, how they live their lives becomes increasingly important to ensure a true quality of life. Becoming physically or cognitively disabled and relying on others is difficult for everyone, but especially so for those who were strong, independent and brave enough to face battles of other kinds. Because people do not enjoy asking for help, often that transcends into also neglecting to seek available resources.

Veterans do not know what benefits are available for them. As an elder care attorney, I have the benefit of helping WWII and Korean war veterans and their widowed spouses every day with estate planning and long term care planning. The biggest concern is how to pay for long term care. The Veterans Administration has a program, Improved Pension (with Aid and Attendance) that pays up to $2,054 of tax free income to help pay for home health care, assisted living care and nursing home care.

Having access to this benefit is life-changing and life-saving. But, not if no one knows about it. Thus, as a Veteran and an Elder Care Attorney, I have made it my mission to get the word out and ensure there are competent lawyers to help Veterans. To further the mission, I founded Lawyers for Wartime Veterans to help lawyers help Veterans.

Through Lawyers for Wartime Veterans, and as an elder care attorney, I feel I am serving my country now more than ever before – by helping one veteran at a time through a nation of competent lawyers.

Happy Veterans Day! Know that we are thankful for you and here to support you.

Victoria L. Collier is a Veteran and Certified Elder Law Attorney, Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Co-Founder of Lawyers With Purpose LLC, and author of “47 Secret Veterans’ Benefits for Seniors—Benefits You Have Earned … but Don’t Know About.”

The team at Lawyers With Purpose would like to thank Victoria for serving our country and contributing so very much to our membership. To learn more about Victoria please visit