Jaloza and Team

Congratulations to Andrew Jaloza, Lawyers With Purpose Member of The Month

What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP?  

The greatest success is having created a thriving Estate Planning Practice run by a cohesive team of dedicated people who are passionate about helping as many families as we possibly can.

Jaloza and TeamWhat is your favorite LWP tool?

It is not just the tools but the total client centered systematic approach of the LWP process that has allowed us to quickly go from zero to hero as an Elder Law and Estate Planning firm. 

How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice?

We have been impacted by our implementation coach Roz Drotar and our mentor Coach Candace Pollock, both of whom have held us accountable and challenged us to reach our highest possible potential while imparting their years of experience-based suggestions to help us achieve amazing growth over the past year.

Share something about yourself that most people don’t know about you.

Something that people don't know about me is that I am transparent. What you see is truly what you get. 

What is your favorite book and how did it impact your life?

My favorite book is called Man's Search of Meaning by Viktor Frankl. This book has impacted my life because after reading it, it has taught me that everything in your life is a matter of perspective, and how you look at something creates your world.   


Churchill Law Office Team (1) (1)

Congratulations to Churchill Law Office, Lawyers With Purpose Member of The Month!

Churchill Law Office answered this from a team perspective, not an attorney perspective.  We think it's awesome!  What do you think?

What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP?

Maintaining a successful firm even after crisis occurred when the Attorney was in a car accident.   A large portion of our success is the Actionstep platform and having the technical knowledge within the office to program and automate everything and staying in the black!

Churchill Law Office Team (1) (1)What is your favorite LWP tool?

This is a cop-out, but they are all amazing in that they have assisted us to maintain even in crisis.   The way the stories tie to the Estate Plan Audit, and then the Vision Clarifier have been a massive support in reminding clients of their goals in follow-ups.

How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice?

Being able to call for help.  The greatest example is one, Nedra’s constant ideas, two, Candace’s drive to move forward, and most of all, three, without Molly “encouraging”, e.g. “do it”, with regard to us doing Vision’s without the Attorney, we would have had to close the office after Debbie’s accident.

Share something about yourself that most people don’t know about you.

Beth is a very experienced database and lean management trainer!  Beth is a bit of a recluse.

Melissa worked for 14 years in daycare and this is her first office job and has surpassed any assistant we’ve ever had in the office.  Melissa is a HUGE prankster.

John has extensive experience in programming and automates everything in Actionstep beyond its basic programming.  John has played the piano for 30 years.

Debbie is a successful attorney with a secret passion for beading!  She makes most of her own jewelry.

Terry is retired, and was an instructor helicopter with the Guard before joining our team.  He makes a mean chocolate chip cookie for the clients.

What is your favorite book and how did it impact your life?

John – Technical programming books.  It has advanced his piano recording and office efficiency.

Melissa – To Kill a Mockingbird – It makes her sound more sophisticated when asked what her favorite book is.

Beth – Machine that Changed the World – Has simplified her life both at home and work through lean management.

Debbie – The Biology of Belief – Helps her to grow spiritually.

Terry – Killer Angels – Loves history and it a great portray of struggle, honor, and patriotism.



Top Paralegal Resolutions For 2016

Some of you have probably already made – and broken – your New Year’s resolutions for 2016, to include common personal ones like losing weight, doing more exercise, eating better, and quitting bad habits. However, consider making and sticking with some work-related resolutions as well as personal ones to keep you on track professionally. The following list from the paralegal perspective, but it can be applied to any position in your law firm.

FOCUS – January is the time to revisit time templates or to resolve to go back to good habits allowed to lapse, like using planning organizers. Lawyers with Purpose provides you with time management tools as well as a range of focusers, including those for daily, weekly, and monthly planning. Make sure your time template has time devoted to planning each and every week. Time spent planning will be repaid in increased efficiency and goal attainment. Every year I make myself a New Year’s gift of a great calendar as a reward for planning ahead. This calendar can be paper or digital, whatever your preference.

– Plan and prepare for further career development by identifying where the gaps in your knowledge and experience are, and deciding how to go about filling those. Or perhaps you want to hone part of your existing skill set. The mind, like many other tools, needs to be kept sharp to work at its best. Lawyers with Purpose offers you various ways of keeping informed and educated, including ListServs for BOTH the attorneys and their team members, blogs, and webinars on the event calendar.  There are also the Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreats (TAPER), which offer legal-technical focus sessions in addition to firm planning and personal development.

CHECK IN with your goals and/or set new ones. It’s been roughly three months since TAPER in Phoenix, so it’s the midpoint of the period during which many of you resolved to implement some projects. Have your efforts lost steam? This is a great time to reassess derailed projects and set tasks to get them back on track. If you did not attend the last TAPER event, now is a great time to set new goals. There are tools on the LWP website that you can use in your "Brainstorming Sprints", as well as project focusers like the "Money Plan" and "The Implementation Focuser". 

RENEW your commitment to the system. Have you been so busy doing the work that you haven’t had time to do the necessary data input crucial for tracking? Regardless of what file management system you may use or whether you are still using paper files or have gone completely digital, attorneys must allow time for their team members to perform all the file maintenance required. If you don’t schedule regular maintenance – just like a car – the engine starts to run rough and may stall. Remember, it may just take 10 minutes to make a phone call, but it can take 5 minutes more to document the phone call, potentially mark a task complete and then schedule a follow-up task. In a typical work day for the law firm, I spend easily an hour of my time on file maintenance alone – adding file notes, scanning and uploading documents, marking tasks done, scheduling follow-up tasks, updating status of file in workflow, linking emails. It is this maintenance that permits you to track the work being done in your firm and hold team members accountable. Pull up your reports and identify where clean up must occur and schedule time on your template to chip away at any overdue file maintenance.

Finally APPLY the 4 D’s of time management – delete, delay, delegate, and do – to any and all of your lists and/or piles in your office. There are variations of these terms, so feel free to adopt the version that makes the most sense to you and your job responsibilities. With this strategy, you review incomplete tasks and decide whether you are going to delete, delay, delegate, or do the task. If a task is no longer important or relevant, or perhaps is already done, can it be deleted? Or you may have a task that you would like to do one day, but it can be deferred or delayed to a later time. Don’t lose sight of this task by adding it to a focuser reserved for remote future planning. Meanwhile, delegate those tasks that can be done by someone else, preferably someone who can perform the task better than you could. Finally, whatever is left over, you do. These might be tasks that can be done in 10 minutes or less and just need to be completed, or they may be tasks of higher priority that need to be scheduled immediately.

These five recommendations are my professional resolutions for 2016. By focusing on planning, scheduling time for education and training, checking in with previously set goals, renewing the commitment to your file management system, and applying the 4 D’s of time management to any pending matters, you can reboot your system, so to speak. I invite you to join me in resolving to start the new year with a fresh beginning – professionally and personally. Happy New Year!

If you want to learn more about becoming a Lawyers With Purpose member and what we have to offer your estate or elder law practice, join us this Friday, January 22nd for a FREE webinar "How You Can Have the Business, the Income and the Life that You Once Dreamed About When You First Started Your Practice. Click here to grab your spot today.

By Sabrina A. Scott, Paralegal, The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC and Director of VA Services for Lawyers with Purpose.

Victoria L. Collier, Veteran of the United States Air Force, 1989-1995 and United States Army Reserves, 2001-2004. Victoria is a Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation; Author of “47 Secret Veterans Benefits for Seniors”; Author of “Paying for Long Term Care: Financial Help for Wartime Veterans: The VA Aid & Attendance Benefit”; Founder of The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC; Co-Founder of Lawyers with Purpose; and Co-Founder of Veterans Advocate Group of America.


Is Your Practice … Uhmmmm, Easy?

Many lawyers are frustrated when it comes to operating the "business" of their practice.  Law school taught us how to think critically and help people, but it did not teach us how to run a business.  As a result, much pain and long hours of work and frustration are created.  Balancing the needs of your clients and operating your business is one of the most frustrating elements of running a law practice.  The good news is, fixing it is not hard, it just requires a basic understanding you never got in law school.  Let's begin by identifying whether you have effective employees.  

Bigstock-Easy-Way-To-Success-73438723In coaching hundreds of law firms over the past 15 years, I have a question I ask consistently: "Is it occurring?"  What does that mean?  Essentially, if what you want to be happening is happening, then it's occurring.  If what you want happening is not happening, then it's not occurring. Simple enough?  So let's analyze this in your practice.  If you're frustrated with a certain part of your business, like hiring employees, because it's not being done effectively, then it's not occurring.  If it's not occurring, then the person responsible for doing it does not have the proper skill set.  Unfortunately, in a small practice that's usually you.  So you must find others who know how to do it so you can get the employee hired effectively.  This can be someone in your firm, or you can reach out to others and outsource your need. (LWP has many system services for estate planning attorneys; that’s what distinguishes this organization from most others.) 

The interesting thing is, for those individuals you reach out to for help, it's really easy for them, which amazes most attorneys because we don't get it and it's so frustrating to us. (I personally hate it.)  But for those who have the skill set, it's easy and it occurs!  So as you look around your practice, if there's an area causing you pain, it is a clear message that you lack someone with a natural skill set to perform that task or duty.  If drafting is not happening effectively, then you need to get someone who does it easily.  They're out there and you can't stop until you find someone, because once you do, your life and your practice will change dramatically. 

In building companies over the last 15 years, the level of pain I have endured along the way sometimes was unbearable. But now, as I have reached a point where many of those companies are operating without me, I look back at what the key issues were that I had to overcome.  The answer?  It all came down to skill set and ease!  

What was difficult and frustrating for me was very easy for other people with the right skill set.  To identify what five skill sets you need, your role and what roles you need to fill to support you, join us at our Tri-Annual Retreat in October.  So the stress of running your business can subside and you can focus on what you do best and what is "easy" to you, and leave the other roles to the people who find them "easy" to do.  Doors close October 2nd and we will NOT have any seats remaining, I promise you that!.  It's not hard. Let Lawyers with Purpose show you how. Click here to register now.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center



Ground Zero

I don’t know about you, but when I hear the term “ground zero,” I think about the World Trade Center and September 11.  Like many, I watched it on television as it was happening. It changed our world and our daily lives, even today, years later.  I had the benefit of visiting Ground Zero recently. The reflecting pools are a beautiful tribute to the men and women who died there. 

Bigstock-NEW-YORK-USA--AUGUST------102362141How is that relevant to you today?  The term ground zero has a broader meaning – the point of a disaster that suffers the most severe damage. For me, it also means starting over, often from the ground up.

As with the terror of 9/11, recovering and starting over can be devastating.  But, beginning again can be a fresh introduction to opportunities not yet discovered. Rebuilding with knowledge and experience from the past can create stronger futures.

Again, how is this relevant to you?  Consider a few scenarios.

Losing an employee: Every day I get compliments from clients about how wonderful my receptionist is.  She truly is and I love her. She knows my quirks and anticipates my next need, and then fulfills it. But she won’t much longer, because she gave me her “notice.”  She’s moving on to her higher calling. While I support her completely, I am devastated because I have to start over. Begin again. New interviews. New training. New personality. Ground zero.  It will be hard and I don’t like the thought of any of it. However, I know that when I hired my assistant two years ago, I went through the same thing, and hiring her made my firm stronger, as will hiring our new candidate.  

Terminating a partnership: Working as a sole practitioner is hard. Making a business work with partners is even harder, in my opinion, and I’ve done both very successfully and unsuccessfully.  When you are alone, you can make all the decisions, good or bad. You own your successes and your failures.  When you have a partner, you share a lot but usually don’t have total control of anything.  It’s like a marriage. You give to get and weigh the benefits and consequences of each decision and action.  Like marriages, partnerships may end in the big “D” – dissolution. Where do you go from there? From Ground zero? 

What is your Ground zero?  What makes you feel as if you have to “start again?”  Do you run, hide, or give up?  You can, or you can find the new opportunity. Release the inhibitors of the past.  Find the strength and grow from the experience. Build something bigger, stronger and better.

Visit Ground Zero and find the blessing in the tragedy. Build your Freedom Tower.

If you haven't registered for our Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat, there's still time.  But hurry!  The hotel is actively working on finding us an "overflow hotel" since there are only a few rooms left at the event hotel.  Click here to register.

Victoria L. Collier, Veteran of the United States Air Force, 1989-1995 and United States Army Reserves, 2001-2004.  Victoria is a Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation, Author of 47 Secret Veterans Benefits for Seniors, Author of Paying for Long Term Care: Financial Help for Wartime Veterans: The VA Aid & Attendance Benefit, Founder of The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC, Co-Founder of Lawyers With Purpose, Co-Founder of Veterans Advocate Group of America.    




Just a quick reminder that there's only 24 hours left to take advantage of discount pricing to attend LWP’s Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat, happening October 21-23 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Bigstock-backgrounds-night-sky-with-sta-84641576Why pay more when you can join us at $500 off, utilize a payment plan? All that goes away tomorrow.

The price to attend the Tri-Annual Retreat has been reduced but will jump at midnight, so don't wait to lock your discount in.

REGISTER NOW: http://www.retreat.lawyerswithpurpose.com

Can't wait to SEE you in Phoenix!


High Energy / Low Energy

Day One:  My family walked a mile to school for the fourth day of kindergarten. Since I was going out of town, the hugs were a little longer than usual. Before heading to the airport, I also walked my dog, since it would be his last one for three days. The flight was uneventful. I had rearranged my flight to arrive early so I could visit with my aunt in the hospital, where she is undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. Without treatment, the prognosis is six months to live. With treatment, it is 18 months. During our visit, I had to excuse myself for a very challenging business teleconference. When I returned, my aunt was tired.  I sat on her bed looking into her eyes for probably the last time; both of us were crying. An hour later, I was overlooking the beach while having dinner with a colleague. Then I went to bed.

Bigstock-Better-Worse-Roller-Coaster-10548788Day Two:  I awoke early to review my aunt’s financial situation and create a written plan, like I would for any client, to provide to my cousin over breakfast. We discussed ways to initiate difficult conversations. “Are there any specific goals you want to accomplish in the next six to 18 months?” “Is my aunt making choices based on what she wants, or what she believes others want?” “Where would she prefer to die, in a facility or at her home?”

Breakfast lasted right up until it was time for me to give a 45-minute presentation on veterans benefits for over 100 lawyers.  I stepped onto the stage and delivered a strong, fluid speech. Then, I immediately rushed to the airport to catch a flight to New York by way of Georgia, my home state, but I couldn’t stay long enough to see my family. Instead, I spoke with them via Facetime, and my daughter cried because she wanted me to tuck her into bed.  I arrived in New York just in time to slip into bed. Sleep was restless as usual, since I have insomnia.

How many highs and lows do we have throughout a day?  The two back-to back days described above are typical (other than finding out my aunt has a limited time to live).  They are typical for me, for my law office team members and for my clients.  We all go from one emotion to the next, from successes to challenges, from elated to deflated in moments, without taking time to absorb and reflect. Without taking time to celebrate or grieve.  We just stack our emotions on a pile like smashed cars to be recycled.

How does running from one event to the next affect our work product? Our customer service? Our communication and relations with others?  Our profitability and success? 


What can we do? 

First, recognize that you are running through highs and lows. When possible, try to group high-energy events together and low-energy events together. 

Second, pause between events for five minutes and sit with the residual emotions of what you just endured. If it was a success, celebrate – even if just in your mind you smile and say, “I did good.”  Or allow yourself to get upset and release frustration, if necessary, even if just in your mind you scowl and say, “This is not what I intended. I must do better; I cannot let that happen again.” Then clear it away and prepare for the next event, to be completely present and not affected by the prior event.

Third, understand that you are not the only one with days like this. Be there for your team and your clients when they have highs and lows.  Support them.  Your support will enrich your relationships, which in turn will produce better customer service and work product. Lastly, just slow down and be aware.  We see much better when the pace we are traveling is not blurred with speed. 

There is still time to register for our Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat – but on time pricing ends FRIDAY!  Click here to register today and join your colleagues for what will prove to be a transformation for you and your team that supports you!  Join us October 21-23 in Phoenix for THE estate and elder law fast-track training programs, legal tech focus sessions, collaborative panels, action-oriented keynote by our favorite money coach, personalized Law Firm “Money Plan” development day, and much more!

Registration Link: http://retreat.lawyerswithpurpose.com/

Victoria L. Collier, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, www.LawyersWithPurpose.com; Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation; Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Founder and  Managing  Attorney of The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier, PC, www.ElderLawGeorgia.com; Co-Founder of Veterans Advocates Group of America; Entrepreneur; Author; and nationally renowned Presenter. 



Good News – Bad News!


Wow ….

It takes A LOT to shock me, but I’ve just confirmed that the Practice With Purpose portion of our October Retreat has officially SOLD OUT only two weeks into registration.

With that crazy update comes good and bad news.

Bigstock-Paper-Fortune-Teller-10213730Bad news:  I’ve called the hotel today personally. We are in the largest room possible and there is nothing else available at our venue.  We are not allowed to add seats either because of fire laws.  So unfortunately, we have to close registration down for this portion of the program.

If you had your heart set on attending the Practice With Purpose portion of the week and bringing your team, please send me an email to get on a wait list. I will contact you personally if someone is not able to make it and a space opens up.

Now, for the good news.

The remainder of the retreat week is still available and will ROCK!  Just about everyone attending Practice With Purpose has chosen to stay the entire week because our breakout sessions and team programs are just phenomenal this quarter.

We have the largest ballroom on the property for this portion of the program—so as of right now, there is STILL SPACE!  But, I was informed that we are creeping up on capacity limits here as well.  Please don’t wait to reserve your spot!

And, because the full-week registration option is no longer available, we have decided to slash the registration price for the remainder of the retreat.  For a limited time, you can join us at a discounted rate when you attend from Wednesday, October 21- Friday October 23.

Oh, and you can STILL bring three team members, absolutely FREE as our gift to you.  This portion of the program is all about equipping not only the attorney, but the entire staff for success—so take advantage of being able to snag FREE tickets for your team while you can!

To view the class schedules and retreat agenda, simply click here.

If you have questions, please feel free to email me at mhall@lawyerswithpurpose.com.  I’m happy to schedule a call with you to discuss the sessions and/or registration options that are best for your law firm.

Here’s to an AMAZING October Retreat!




Looking forward to Phoenix for so many reasons …

As the Education Director for LWP™, it has been my privilege to take part in the development of the TAPER programs and to work with the amazing staff that makes these events unique.  We’ve all been to the (yawn) lawyer conferences that should be advertised as a cure for insomnia.  Our goal at LWP was to create a unique experience that advances the members to the next level by providing the tools to create a dream future, gain energy, engage the team and get focused.  It only takes a moment to feel the energy in the room and know that you are not at an ordinary legal training event!     

Bigstock-Inspirational-Typographic-Quot-69544021As an LWP trainer, the Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreats (TAPERs) offer the opportunity to “pay it forward” and pass along some of the lessons that experience has taught. I’m particularly excited to be presenting a focus session on adding an Associate Attorney to your LWP firm.      

As an LWP Mentor Coach, there is incredible satisfaction in watching from the sidelines as teams break through the barriers and find the road to success.  The TAPERs are an opportunity to touch base with those teams, put names with faces, and really see the energy develop around their own futures.

As a member of LWP, the Practice Enhancement Retreats have always been a highlight, something that goes on our annual calendar the moment we learn the dates. We look forward to them as a team because we are anxious to shift focus and work ON the practice rather than IN the practice.  The retreats are aptly named “retreats” because they are truly a time to get away from our day-to-day world, reflect on where we’ve been AND set the course for the future (whether that means the next weeks, months or years). 

There is no denying the energy burst that comes from attending an LWP Retreat, and that is why LWP is doing them more often. If we could get an energy burst once a year, imagine how powerful three of those bursts per year would be!  Triple the impact!  For the last two years, I have shut down my law firm not once, but three times each year – and I really mean “shut down,” since the ENTIRE TEAM attends every retreat. That is the value of these events – every single member of the team gets a customized experience with the opportunity to focus on both professional and personal growth.  What a difference!  The team has taken ownership of the firm, and ownership of its own growth and development.  

As a business owner, the thought of shutting down the business for any reason is scary. We ask: “What about the lost revenue?” “What about the expense of flying everyone around the country and putting them in hotel rooms?”  “What about feeding them?”  “Dollars seem to be flying out the window!”  All of that is real.  It IS expensive to attend three retreats every year, until you realize that this is NOT an expense – it is an investment.  It is an investment in the future of the business made without hesitation because the ROI is exponential. The payoff is a team committed to the firm’s future, a team working together for common goals, a team dedicated to personal and professional growth, a team poised to push each other toward personal goals, a team that understands the power of teamwork!

And it shows in the bottom line.  Despite and because of the three weeks per year of shutdown, our revenues have never been higher.  That is the power of the LWP Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat. 

Don’t take my word for it; find out for yourself. Join us in Phoenix and feel the power! 

Early Bird registration is open!  If you're ready to reserve your spot now email Amanda Ross at aross@lawyerswithpurpose.com or just call 877-299-0326 and she's standing by to help get you're seat reserved! 

Susan Hunter


3 Time Concepts To Break Through Your Time Constraints

Many lawyers I coach complain they don't have enough time to get everything done.  Interestingly, I remind them the most successful people in the world have the same amount of time in a day as they do. How do they do it?  I've been practicing law for 20 years and the last 17 as a solo practitioner.  I've grown my practice from me and a secretary to a firm with over 20 employees, including five lawyers.  I can honestly say that's not for everybody.  I never expected it; it’s where I ended up. I will share the time-saving strategies I utilized to grow my practice. Join me in a one-hour webinar:

Thursday, July 23rd at 2:00 EST for our “Having the Time to Have it All – Three Time Strategies to Have a Practice with Purpose and Profit”


Bigstock-One-Two-Three-Numbers-On-Dice--36582055You don't have to have a large practice to succeed, but you do need to get control of your time so you have enough of it to satisfy all the needs of your practice and your personal life. Most lawyers I work with are being pulled in so many directions based on different marketing schemes of the individual organizations that recruit them. Many attorneys belong to multiple organizations, including one for estate planning, one for Medicaid, one for VA, one for special needs planning, one for asset protection, and yet another for tax planning. And then wonder why they don’t have time to keep up with it all. Don't get me wrong, each organization has value, but the challenge I've always found is there is always a lack of time to get it done.

Should you attend?  If you are struggling with a work-life balance, struggling with how to run a law "business," or feel you do not have enough time in your day to get all the work done, then this webinar will be a great use of your time. Click here to register for this special webinar.

In one hour, I will share with you the three key time strategies to have the time necessary to provide estate planning, elder law, asset protection, Medicaid, VA Benefits, special needs and tax planning all in the same time you have now.  I look forward to sharing with you. 


Hope you don’t miss,

David J. Zumpano, CPA, Esq., Practicing Attorney, just like you & Founder of Estate Planning Law Center & Lawyers with Purpose LLC

P.S. For the first time ever, I will be showing non-members the exact technology platforms and systems that I use to manage and streamline my practice.  Implementing what I’m going to teach you will not only save you a tremendous amount of time, but will finally help you lay a strong practice management foundation to take your business to the next level. Plus, YOUR STAFF WILL LOVE IT. Have them join you on the line!