Located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, and serving most of the state, Baker Estate Planning Law, LLC has been a LWP member since 2016. In one year, from the point of becoming fully engaged with the LWP process, the firm doubled its income. Founder and Owner George Baker talks with LWP about his path to success.
The Impact of Foreign Trust Status in an Increasingly Global Age
LWP member and trainer Timothy P. Crisafulli, LL.M., Esq. reviews the two specific tests, the Court Test and the Control Test, that together designate whether a trust is considered foreign or domestic.
Transforming Your Practice One “Who” at a Time
During the “Why Day” session at the Taper New Orleans retreat held this past March, Lawyers with Purpose Founder Dave Zumpano presented his take on law firm roles and the power of having the right person in the right seat. Zumpano offered that “Who?” (not “How?”) is the greater question to answer when planning to grow a law firm.
Cruising Into Retirement
Lawyers with Purpose contributing attorney Brittney M. Shearin, Esq. researches and reports on some interesting statistics regarding whether living on a cruise ship could actually be a viable alternative to assisted living.