January Loathe

We’re not big fans of January 1. Doesn’t matter what year we’re talking about. The deflation and confidence thievery of January 1st that leaves attorneys in a place of paralysis, is out-and-out unlawful. Its 7 days into the “new year” and collectively our implementation team conducted 13 law firm Implementation calls across the country and then led 1 national marketing roundtable. And the collective energy was frozen. Solid.

In typical LWP fashion we already started New Year Goal setting at our annual practice enhancement retreat, on November 16th. 50 law firms across the country left that retreat with a tremendous amount of intentionality, purpose and very clear monthly gals and how they were getting there. Crystal clear, with team on-board and excited to hit the ground running. In December we conducted follow up calls with folks to start creating the path and plan to get to goal. And who’s doing what to reach goal. People were clamoring to turn the page and start the 2013 books.

Well, the “New Year” is here and that’s no longer the song people are singing from the rooftops. Society, media, etc., have already told them they won’t make it the 1st 10 days. But thankfully for the 13 firms we had the honor of working with today… we provided the safety net. We talked them off the ledge and re-anchor them to the path and plans they created 6 weeks ago. And that’s the beauty of accountability and implementation. Society teaches us that “you-gotta-push thorough” mentality that is destroying business owners.

You don’t have to muscle through and create goals that don’t work for you and that scare you to the point of paralysis. That doesn’t excite you. that you can't find an ounce of joy and ease in. The shelf life of that new year’s plan, resolution, goals…call it what you will….is roughly 10 days.

People are taught they need to get their butt kicked day in and day out. Operate like a pack mule and feel awful when they lay their head on the pillow at night because your plowing through to get to goal. That’s just the way it is for entrepreneurs. But what we know to be true in the LWP Coaching, Consulting and Implementation program is: you should feel better, dare we say excited, at the end of the day than you did at the beginning. And certainly 7 days into a new year. And that’s the name of the game, folks. Goals, resolutions, plans, road maps; etc., etc., are meant to be kept to be very much alive.

Our members are very fortunate that they began their new year on November 16th and were fortunate to start hitting the skids 7 days into the new year, because the path, plan and accountability were already in place to allow for a very safe place to fall, all while providing the safety net to not only catch them but re-anchor them to their goals and how they are getting there.

If you don’t have an consistent, committed accountability structure in place, we would like to invite you to experience the LWP CCI Program and explore if this would be a good fit for you –join us in Dallas,TX January 30,31, February 1st as our guest.

If your interested please email Roslyn at rdrotar@lawyerswithpurpose.com or call 877-299-0326 x 105.

Updated VA Benefit Rates

The VA Benefits rates have now been Officially Published and can be found at the following links:

Veteran’s Pension: http://www.benefits.va.gov/PENSIONANDFIDUCIARY/pension/rates_veteran_pen12.asp

Widow's Pension: http://www.benefits.va.gov/PENSIONANDFIDUCIARY/pension/rates_survivor DIC: http://www.benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/resources_comp03.asp

Compensation: http://www.benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/resources_comp01.asp

Special Monthly Compensation: http://www.benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/resources_comp02.asp

Parents DIC: http://www.benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/resources_comp04.asp

Birth defects: http://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/sb2012.asp

Automobile, clothing, medal of honor: http://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/special_Benefit_Allowances_2012.asp

2013 Improved Pension Rates

Good morning!

We trust everyone is back to the office now and ready to begin the New Year well prepared for prosperity. To do so, having the right information is powerful. We have been waiting for the Veterans Administration to publish the 2013 Improved Pension rates. As of today, they still have not been formally published. However, below are the rates we expect to see once published (give or take a dollar or two). We will announce the final numbers when formally published.


Veteran no dependent – $1,037/month/ 12,448/year
Veteran with 1 dependent – $1,359/ 16,340
Widow of vet no dependent – $696/ 8,357

Pension with HouseBound:

Veteran no dependent – $1,269/ 15,231
Veteran with 1 dependent – $1,590 / 19,091
Widow of vet no dependent – $852 / 10,232

Pension with Aid and Attendance:

Veteran no dependent – $1,731 / 29,793
Veteran with 1 dependent – $2,054 / 24,648
Widow of vet no dependent – $1,113 / 13,360

Two Veterans Married to each other:

BOTH COMBINED – Pension only – $1,350 / $16,322
EITHER HB – $1,590 / $19,091
BOTH HB – $2,049 / $21,858
EITHER A&A – $2,053 / $24,650
1HB & 1 A&A – $2,284 / $27,412
BOTH A&A – $2,675 / $32,113

Thank you for the information Victoria Collier!

How You Define Success

We have a book club at Lawyers With Purpose and the team is currently reading Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell. So far my favorite part of the book:

"…[people] allow failure to get the better of them emotionally, and it stops them from achieving their dreams.  …Failure can be very painful–sometimes physically and more often emotionally.  Seeing part of your vision fall flat really hurts. And if people heap ridicule on top of your hurt feelings, you feel even worse.  The first important step in weathering failure is learning not to personalize it — making sure you know that your failure does not make you a failure.   …For many people the pain of failure leads to fear of failure.  …That's when many people get stuck in the fear cycle.  And if fear overcomes you, it's almost impossible to fail forward."  from Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell

When I read that it doesn't make failure seem so bad. For me, it's difficult not to take failure personally. But just reading this paragraph seems to take all that away. In fact I've printed this paragraph out and tacked it onto my cork board for inspiration.

I'm not completely done reading the book but so far, the bottom line for me is … don't let failure deny you of your dreams and the practice you want to have. Yes, we all have have to learn from our mistakes but do not let them prevent you from taking risks. Another great quote is “If you fail to try, you have already failed.” So, I'd have to say that while my definition of failure has definitely changed, so has my definition of success. Because typically people look at success like a path you take that requires training and mentoring along the way. Education or experience. But really, in the big picture, success is being able to handle failure!

When YOU Are Your Brand.

Think about all that goes into your branding. Your firm brochures, firm bio's, firm practice modules, educational booklets, your website and social media. And what is on the forefront of all those materials? More than likely, it's your head shot. Your face to put with the name of the firm.

I read a great article on www.hbr.org titled The Future of You and it goes into great detail about “Self Branding” and explains how your brand is a signal. The stronger your brand, the stronger your signal.

Our members are all great people and fantastic estate planning attorneys. But it takes more than just that. You must get that signal out there. Your branding is important because people connect it with your talent and ability to practice law. Without branding your invisible.

The article uses David Beckham as an example. The article points out that he is more successful than most of his soccer teammates simply because he (1) is distinctive and makes himself recognizable (2) predictable and consistent (3) meaningful – allowing others to understand what he does. Let's face it, there are other soccer players just as talented (or maybe even more talented) than he, but he made himself a marketing sensation!

Let us help you with your branding and marketing. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to our RSS feed. Or, pick up the phone and let us know where your struggling in your practice. We're happy to help!


The Big Easy ListServ

People-talking-online11-300x225Our members are inspiring with their commitment to helping each other in their day to day practice.  Every month we get hundreds of emails from our members sharing openly what they need to move something forward in their business.  Almost immediately they get a response from another attorneys running their own busy practice.

It really says a lot about our membership.  And the philosophies around how we work and think about each other.  Coming together as a community to help and empower each other with legal technical knowledge, marketing support, team support, drafting support, etc.

Running your practice is challenging.  The ListServ is one of the many tools available to help with the roadblocks.  Conversations between estate planning attorneys nationally supporting each other…. Having a colleague at your finger tips at any given time to give you what you need.  It's something so powerful, and so easy!

Know Your Colors to Strategize!

Have you ever thought about the amount of time you spend at the office?  Be honest and think about how much time you spend each day, and how many days each week.  Include the weekends!  On the average we see that most attorneys are spending 56 hours OR MORE per week.  With little or no vacation.  If you take that and divide it by your annual income, how much are you making per hour?  Doing the math may be painful but it can also give powerful insight on how important it is for you to be intentional with your time.  We did some calculations and it’s typical for a solo practitioner to be earning roughly $29.28 per hour.

Is this you?  Are you happy?

You have to be proactivein your day with clearly defined goals and a path to get you there.  You need to declare the practice you want to have and you have to create time standards to achieve it.  You've got to think in colors of the rainbow.  Blue, Green and Gold!

BLUE: The Time you spend on Lead Generation and Lead Conversion (commonly referred to as Marketing and Sales). At Lawyers with Purpose™, we call this Relationship Management and Client Enrollment.

GREEN:  The Time you spend on serving your clients to provide the value they hired you for. This requires working with your team utilizing systems and process to create consistent quality and reduce the time required by YOU.

YELLOW:  The time you spend operating your law firm business. While most view this as black time it is actually “Gold” if it’s Proactive!

You can have the practice you’ve always wanted if you are proactive with your time.  We promise, it’s that simple.  You can have staff that will support you in the essential areas to succeed, rather than reacting to everything around you, consistent (and increasing) cash flow and a quality of life for yourself, your family, your clients, and your community will be enhanced!   www.lawyerswithpurpose.com